iPad Siri won’t respond

Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
I am trying to introduce apple to a 78 year old .
I happen to have an iPad Air 2 with cell that was lying around so I took it to his place so he could use it.
I reset it to new condition and did the initial setup for him. For some reason, the touch screen required a very firm touch to operate, also SIRI failed to operate after we did the initial set up for that.
Frustrated, he really does need Siri because of a very shaky hand, I took it back home where it worked perfectly after re set up from scratch.
Any thoughts

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score

I do know that Siri requires Wi-Fi or a cellular network to function. If the Home button is hard to press, there may be some foreign material lodged in it or unknown liquid damage from the past.Not sure why it would work normally at your location however.

Since it worked at your home, I would bring it back as it is now and make sure it is connected to Wi-Fi at his location to see if it works.

Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks Cory for your response.
I did go to assistive touch for home button, so probably not the problem there.
WiFi checked good on my iPhone, as well as other iPad.
Called internet provider, they told me router(new) was not problem, go call apple they said, not gonna go there after warranty.
Will keep trying different approaches, thanks again for your reply.
This is a great forum, have been watching and learning for 4 or 5 years now, keep up the good work

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