Unwanted email

Jun 20, 2018
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HELP !! I am getting 100-150 daily emails from "Canadian Pharmacy" They will not unsubscribe me by personal request. When selecting "unsubscribe" I get the following message, "The requested URL/unsubscribe.html was not found on the server." How do I end this ?? Thank you
Jun 1, 2021
Reaction score
In Apple Mail (and probably other software too) you should be able to filter the incoming mails straight to trash. It will slow down your email program a bit, but ideally you'll never see the Canadian mail.

Does the Canadian mail have some reliable factor you can use to filter? Is the FROM address always the same? And/or maybe the subject?

I've heard many times that over 90% of all Internet mail traffic is spam. Sadly, those who invented the Internet didn't take in to account how many morons the human race can produce.

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score

Unfortunately, if the emails were originally unsolicited SPAM and you clicked on the unsubscribe link in the email, you are simply confirming that your email address is valid, and they will share that with other spammers. It is never recommended to click unsubscribe in emails. The best way to unsubscribe, is to login to websites that you actually have an account on, and change you communication settings there. Those that you don't have an account on, or are randomly received SPAM messages, should simply be deleted.

For this particular sender, the best recourse is to setup a rule in your webmail interface or the Apple Mail application to quarantine or delete any emails from that sender. There are paid software applications and services out there that can help reduce the number of SPAM emails, like SpamSieve (for the Mail application) and Spamdrain.

Hope that helps.

Jun 20, 2018
Reaction score
Cory, thank you, I will try your suggestions tonight.
Since posting this question at 1:30 this afternoon I have received 173 emails from this entity :( :( :( :(
I know I can send them directly to "junk" but I still have to delete them one-by-one from "trash." Again :( :( :( :(
Thank you both gentlemen for your help.
Jun 1, 2021
Reaction score
I know I can send them directly to "junk" but I still have to delete them one-by-one from "trash."

I'm not sure, but I think you could set up a rule in Apple Mail that would delete these mails entirely. At least you should be able to filter them all to trash, which can then be emptied every so often with a few clicks. There's no reason I can think of that would require you to deal with them one by one.

Cory has a better idea. If you can filter them on your mail server then you may never have to see them or deal with them at all. If you don't know how to do that maybe your ISP could help?

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