Ok, so I turned my computer off to log onto windows for some AutoCAD work, then when I shut windows down and go to start back up in Leopard, the apple logo appears as usual, with the rotating spinny thing below, and then the apple sign turns into a Cancel sign (circle with diagonal line through it). I have tried booting with leopard DVD, and when I go to Disk Utility, it says my usual apple HD can't unmount for repairs. This leads me to believe that somehow it didn't shut down properly or that it thinks its still running and is causing startup problems. Can anyone offer me alternate methods to try? I have tried disconnecting power source and booting up several different ways, but I don't know anything about the special boot methods such as safe mode or the rest.
An interesting note is that Windows still boots and works completely fine.. except without sound... but it's always been like that and that's a different subject entirely (very annoying too!)
Thanks in advance to helpful replies!
***One more thing, I verified my HD using the startup DVD disk utility and it said that the disk appears to be OK.
An interesting note is that Windows still boots and works completely fine.. except without sound... but it's always been like that and that's a different subject entirely (very annoying too!)
Thanks in advance to helpful replies!
***One more thing, I verified my HD using the startup DVD disk utility and it said that the disk appears to be OK.