Unique problem?

Dec 25, 2013
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Nutshell: I have an iMac with ONLY Win 7 OS installed. I want to install SL or ML alongside it. Haaaalp. Keep reading for more detailed info.

Hey all-- experienced PC user, new iMac user.

I recently bought a used iMac (21.5 07-09 model I believe; Intel-based 2ghz duo, 2gb RAM, AMD vid card) off of craigslist, as I needed a computer for my law school finals and to live in my office. My MS Surface wasn't compatible with the exam software (SH SH SH SHOCKER). Generally speaking, the iMac works fine.

Anywho, the technological butcher that sold me the computer wiped the hard drive and installed Windows 7 with no Mac OS X alongside it (because: Minnesota). I even had to install Bootcamp and the appropriate drivers myself after I received it.

So obviously now I would like to install a Mac OS X (I have copies of ML and SL), and have been trying to find a precedent for this sort of problem. I can't get to BIOS on start up to force a boot from CD/DVD or USB. If I punch DEL during the Mac grey screen on start up, it brings me to a page where I can perform a memory check or select an OS.... of which Win 7 is the only one to select. So I am at a loss. I've searched all over to remedy this, and I wonder if anyone has had a similar problem and a fix.

Dec 25, 2013
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Thank you for the reply. That's part of the problem here, m8. Before I drop any money on software, I want to know that I'll be able to install it. Also, would I buy software for a Mac or for a PC? And again, how would I boot from the CD once I received it?
Nov 26, 2010
Reaction score
Yes, but you will need to Reformat the drive and start a fresh, so make sure your Windows stuff is backed up.

Also, would I buy software for a Mac or for a PC?
I don't know what you mean, the Mac comes with a large amount of Great software.

You hold down the "C" or "Option" Key while booting the Mac.

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