SOLVED Problem with apple mail on macbook pro

Feb 10, 2018
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Hi all, new problem with mail. The last several emails I tried to send did not but worse, they would flash on the screen for a fraction of a second every few seconds as long as the program is open. Closing the program and re-opening stops the flashing email until I write another one then same thing, mail does not send but flashes on screen until I close the app. I installed Mojave months ago but only now having this issue. Thanks.
Using Mojave 10.14.1 on late 2015 MacBook pro 13 retina.
Sep 17, 2014
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Mojave is actually now at V10.14.2, and V10.14.3 is in beta testing. You can get the OS 10.14.2 Combo Updater from here:

Not sure if that will resolve your issues, but it's worth a try.

Also, you can download and run Malwarebytes:

Also, it might be good to download and run ClamXAV with their free trial:

Seems baffling that a number of users who visit these forums have issues with Apple's Mail program, and Safari. Myself I use Thunderbird for my EMails, and Google Chrome, and I rarely (if ever) have issues. I had been using High Sierra (OS 10.13.6), but just recently upgraded (via a clean installation) to Mojave V10.14.2, Everything is running smoothly.
Feb 10, 2018
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It appears to be unresolvable. I updated Mohave and tried to send a piece of email from apple mail to a known address but still get the same issue; mail is not sent, page flashes for a fraction of a second then reverts back to mail page and repeats without end until I quit the apple mail program. Guess I am limited to using Gmail now but on that side, since it is not my "primary" mail program, it does not receive all my email, only apple mail does. Somethings suck but we live on.
Feb 10, 2018
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No matter which log in address is tried, mail doctor always says "log-in failed". Thats new.
Feb 10, 2018
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Seems like all log-ins are failing from my new address at gmail but I cannot remove the old at yahoo address. Any ideas? Thanks.
Sep 17, 2014
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Do you have to use Apple's Mail program? I mean with all the issues you are having, it might be best to move to another one that works. Once again I state that it is so, so perplexing a number of folks have issues with Apple's Mail program. Yet for all the other ones available (Thunderbird, Outlook 2011, Outlook 2016, etc.), there are rarely any reports of issues.

Did you try and use Malwarebytes and ClamXAv? Also, do you regularly perform disk cleanup/maintenance/repairs? And do you have deleted EMails in Mail permanently removed?
Feb 10, 2018
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I use Gmail but cannot get that to be my primary . Some mail does not go to Gmail but it always goes to apple mail. Sending mail from apple mail is my problem so I will have to use only Gmail to send.
Sep 17, 2014
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Why not try another EMail "client" like Thunderbird, instead of Apple's Mail program? That is the one I started using since late August after having an issue with Outlook 2016. I have never used Apple's Mail program at all, preferring to use a third party product. And in each case, I always configured such software to work with my ISP for my primary EMail processing.

I also have Gmail and Hotmail "accounts", but I access them through my browser. And I have not configured either of them to work with the ISP (not even sure how to do that). As it is, I would never want to, as too much junk/spam mail makes its way through either of them.
Feb 10, 2018
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OK, I loaded Thunderbird and all seems ok. Thanks for the advice. I am not sure yet if it has become my "default" email program, it did not ask me that though the Thunderbird instructions showed it would.

///Did you try and use Malwarebytes and ClamXAv? Also, do you regularly perform disk cleanup/maintenance/repairs? And do you have deleted EMails in Mail permanently removed?///

Did not yet but will. As for permanently removing emails deleted, I will have to check with Thunderbird to see if that is happening. Thanks.
Sep 17, 2014
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First, to configure Thunderbird for the settings of your ISP, click on the "Tools" Menu heading, then select "Account Settings".

Secondly, did you import all your EMails into Thunderbird?

Third, to permanently remove deleted EMails, when you delete an EMail, it gets moved to your Trash folder. Click on the Trash folder, click on one of the deleted EMails, and then press Command-A. That will do a select all. Finally, right click on the Trash icon, and then choose "Empty Trash". That will permanently remove all the selected Deleted EMails.
Feb 10, 2018
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When I delete from Thunderbird, non of the files go to the trash bin. They seem to just go away.
At least out of Thunderbird.
Sep 17, 2014
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Is you EMail account with your ISP set up as an IMAP account, or as a POP account? To determine that, navigate to the Tools menu, and then click on Account Settings. You will then see a list of various "features". Click on "Server settings", and on the screen that appears, the first one says "Server Type:". Mine says IMAP Mail Server". The other type of such an account is POP.

The way that is determined is by the Server Name you entered in the Server Name Field, and you get that from your ISP. Mine says "".
Sep 17, 2014
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OK, under Server Settings, about 1/2 way down, you'll see a section entitled "Server Settings", and under that are some settings. One of them says "When I delete a message", and under that are 3 of them. I actually have the first one checked, and in the associated "box", I designated the specific Trash folder where the deleted EMails are sent. But, note that third choice, "Remove it immediately". That one could work, but potentially risky, as maybe you did not really mean to delete an incoming EMail.

Which one is checked for you? Also, I do not use GMail, as Comcast is my ISP, and that is where I receive my primary EMails. (I do have hotmail and gmail accounts, but I access them through my browser).

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