Magic Mouse. Yay.

May 4, 2012
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After buying this damn mouse for Christmas, paying around seventy bucks, plus the cost of upgrading the system, downloading MagicPrefs, customizing everything, it's STILL not working.

The biggest issue is that I can't leave both of my fingers on the mouse, and left click. If the mouse detects a finger anywhere near the right side when I try to left click, it does the same thing as the 'Window Zoom' function (hides all other windows behind the current one. I can't figure out if it has any actual use or not). This may not sound terrible, but I literally have to hover my three other fingers in the air over the mouse, which gets freaking tiring. I also can't right/left click at the same time, or anything even close. D:

Things tried;
- Edited all settings in MagicPref. No help.
- Edited setting in the actual Mouse Preferences. No help.
- Spent a long time sifting through google search terms. It's amazing how similar everything sounds (Window Zoom! Window Swipe! Two Finger Swipe! Two Finger Click), and how nothing is what I'm looking for :\

Please, any feedback would help. I'm getting pretty discouraged. Even the old Mighty Mouse was better than this.

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