I have a macbook pro running OS Catalina 10.15.7.
Recently I have noticed that my mac automatically connects to a router extender located in an annex building in preference to the main router in the house, for which the signal must be stronger. I have 'automatically join this network' selected for the main router.
I can manually connect back to main router and it stays so connected until the mac re-starts.
I'm not sure if its doing this 100% of the time as I often don't notice unless the connection to the extender is slow enough to be annoying.
I'm not aware of any setting or environment change.
There's probably a simple explanation, but not simple enough for me unfortunately;-)
I have a macbook pro running OS Catalina 10.15.7.
Recently I have noticed that my mac automatically connects to a router extender located in an annex building in preference to the main router in the house, for which the signal must be stronger. I have 'automatically join this network' selected for the main router.
I can manually connect back to main router and it stays so connected until the mac re-starts.
I'm not sure if its doing this 100% of the time as I often don't notice unless the connection to the extender is slow enough to be annoying.
I'm not aware of any setting or environment change.
There's probably a simple explanation, but not simple enough for me unfortunately;-)