Macbook wifi automatically connecting to router extender rather than main router

Jul 13, 2017
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I have a macbook pro running OS Catalina 10.15.7.

Recently I have noticed that my mac automatically connects to a router extender located in an annex building in preference to the main router in the house, for which the signal must be stronger. I have 'automatically join this network' selected for the main router.
I can manually connect back to main router and it stays so connected until the mac re-starts.
I'm not sure if its doing this 100% of the time as I often don't notice unless the connection to the extender is slow enough to be annoying.

I'm not aware of any setting or environment change.

There's probably a simple explanation, but not simple enough for me unfortunately;-)
Jul 13, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks. Just picked this up.

My router was indeed below the extender on the priority list. Have just redressed this, so I'll see if that was the problem.

I wasn't aware of this feature so am not sure how they got to be the wrong way round.

Many thanks.

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