SOLVED Trying to update Mac mini 2012

May 20, 2023
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Hi all,

I'm new to the world of Mac's, but recently I have updated 2 Mac mini's via open core patcher, so a novice with a little experience. I was so impressed with it all that I bought another Mac mini, but this one is a total pain. It's 2012, I have updated the RAM and memory, but it will not download the legacy installer or even go beyond iOS x. When I have tried to download high Sierra or Catalina it just says "no". I tried logging into my apple account to download and it still said no.

I am at a total loss as to what to do, I can't update the IOS, I can't download legacy patcher (I even downloaded it onto a memory stick, but it said the IOS was too old and could not install it)

I'm at a loss
May 7, 2023
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The 2012 mac mini will be able to run up to macOS 10.15.7 natively, so you will not need to use the Core Patcher unless you are upgrading to either macOS 11 or higher.

You can download macOS 10.15 from software update, or a different installer prior to 10.15 from the links in this article .

If you want to install macOS 11 or newer, you will need to install macOS 10.15.7 and then run the core patcher and reboot.
May 20, 2023
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I have managed to download the installer, after some faffing about, but now I get this part way through the installation. I have reached
the limit of my limited knowledge.

View recent photos.jpeg
May 7, 2023
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It looks like you downloaded an update, not a full OS installer.

What version of macOS is on the mini now, and what OS are you wanting to install?
May 20, 2023
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The computer is on IOSX, the updated I hoped would solve the issues I have with the computer.

To be honest I am at a loss, I have tried downloading Catalina and high Sierra, it takes me to the Apple Store page for them and then it prompts me to input an Apple ID, I put mine in and it tells me that there is something wrong (either password of ID) and I know I have typed in the right details. I get an alert on my phone with the number to input but the computer says "no".

At the moment I'm at a total loss, I have looked into the partition and that is all correct, I have erased and reinstalled the IOS from the reboot screen, command and R when rebooting. It says the web browser is insufficient to access the App Store, so I dowloaded chrome. I just can not get it to do anything!!

I have tried booting from a disc, I have tried the Time Machine with a save from this computer, If I had hair, I would be tearing it out!
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May 7, 2023
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It sounds as though you have an older OS that does not support the standard 2 factor authentication method.

Not to worry though, there is a work around for this.

When you are propmted for your password and then you get the 6 digit code, you need to just add the 6 digits to your password.

So, say your password is Apple999. You enter that in the store and then it prompts you on your phone with a 6 digit code. If the code is 123456, then in the password field on the app store you would change your password from Apple999 to Apple999123456 then the password will take, and you will be able to download the software.

You can also self generate the 6 digits on your iPhone by going to the settings. Click on your name on top. Then click on Password & Security. Scroll down, you will see blue text that says Get Verification Code. Tap on that and a 6 digit code will show up that you can add to the end of your AppleID password.
May 15, 2023
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Hey @joelhistory,

I think @MacsBug is right. Thanks to their tips, you're one step closer to solving this. The trick with adding the 6-digit code to your password has worked for many people in similar situations, so it's definitely worth a shot.

Also, once you've managed to download the OS you need, make sure it's a full OS installer and not just an update - that should help avoid any further hiccups.

Best of luck!
May 20, 2023
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It's not working I am just being sent around the houses being told that I have entered my password incorrectly and when I change it via my phone, the computer then says no and I am sent to a reset screen that sends the alert to my other Mac mini and my phone, I change it as per your instruction and the whole process starts again. It's totally circular.
May 20, 2023
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Is there anyway I can temporarily turn off two factor authentication? I have tried setting up a new Apple ID to no benefit.
May 15, 2023
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Not sure about turning off the two-factor authentication but here's another way you can go:
You can create a bootable installer for macOS on a different Mac if you have one available. This allows you to install macOS directly from a USB drive. Here's the link to Apple's guide on how to do this:
This will erase everything on your Mac mini, so make sure you have a backup of any important data.
What do you think of this idea?

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