Sharing Password

Oct 17, 2013
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This is probably stupid -- or, probably I am -- but I am trying to share files with my wife's laptop. I know the password for my laptop and I know the password for hers. But when I try to set up sharing and enter the name for her computer it asks for a password and neither password is correct. The same problem rears its ugly head when I try the reverse, that is on her computer. What am I missing (besides enough gray cells)?
Nov 14, 2012
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Not sure what type of file you want to share, but here is an example of how to share iTunes.

Go to iTunes Preferences then sharing in your Account tick 'Share This Library' and 'Look For Shared Libraries'. Then leave iTunes running and use Fast User Switching and move to her account. Do the same there. Now you will both see the library and be able to play each other's library in your iTunes, there should be with no files duplicated.:)
Oct 17, 2013
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No, this had nothing to do with iTunes. This was trying to see what was in the folder I set up on each computer for files I wanted to send to the other computer. The other computer did show up as "shared" But I needed a password to complete the operation and I have zero idea what password was wanted since I tried the only passwords that were ever set up for each computer.

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