Safari and multiple users

Jun 28, 2013
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My MacBook Pro 17" with High Sierra 10.13.1 is set up with three different "users". For some reason in moving up to 10.13.1 my wife lost all her Safari bookmarks. I found them all blended with mine in my Safari on my "user" site. I want to export a copy of all the bookmarks to my wife's Safari, but Safari tells me it cannot export Bookmarks. I've always puzzled over how to move items or copies of items from my "user" side to my wife's and vice versa. Any insights out there? Thanks!
Sep 17, 2014
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Maybe try this: install another browser under your wife's account, like Firefox (, or Google Chrome (

Install and launch either one. You then have the option of importing bookmarks from another "source". As long as she can get to those bookmarks on your account, she can import them. Then, she can quit that browser, launch Safari, and import bookmarks from what she just imported from your account.

I have never used Safari, so I don't know about importing bookmarks from another browser into Safari.
Jun 28, 2013
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Maybe try this: install another browser under your wife's account, like Firefox (, or Google Chrome (

Install and launch either one. You then have the option of importing bookmarks from another "source". As long as she can get to those bookmarks on your account, she can import them. Then, she can quit that browser, launch Safari, and import bookmarks from what she just imported from your account.

I have never used Safari, so I don't know about importing bookmarks from another browser into Safari.
Thanks for quick reply. I’ll give this a try tomorrow. I’ve been many times frustrated with the impermeability of the several “user” sites that can be set up on OS versions.
Sep 17, 2014
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Hopefully it will work. As long as your wife can get access to the bookmarks on your account, one would think it would work. Again, though, I actually do not know how to "import" bookmarks from another browser into Safari. I know how do it for Google Chrome, Opera, and Firefox.
Jun 28, 2013
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Hopefully it will work. As long as your wife can get access to the bookmarks on your account, one would think it would work. Again, though, I actually do not know how to "import" bookmarks from another browser into Safari. I know how do it for Google Chrome, Opera, and Firefox.
The work-around you suggested solved the primary problem but the result is a bit clunky. Still working on it but this convinces me to use Chrome as primary rather than Safari which is proving day by day to have some real limitations... such as the failure to import bookmarks even though the pull-down menu shows that option. Thanks for the suggestion!
Sep 17, 2014
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Glad it worked for you. I have rarely used Safari, as I have always found it to be slow. But this importing of bookmarks "business" is another reason to avoid it.

Yes, Google Chrome is fast, but it tends to be a memory hog, especially when visiting sites with a lot of graphics. The worst one I have seen is I like to visit it to see what's happening in the world. But it has a lot of graphics attached to each story.

Ever since V57.0 came out, Firefox's speed has improved dramatically, and almost rivals Google Chrome. Opera is another good browser, although not as fast as Chrome.

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