Problems with Google Files opening with Safari

Feb 14, 2021
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Did you try it yourself? I was going to suggest the opposite—reset Google Chrome because I couldn't find any place else to make it forget about being the default browser. Then go into System Settings and assign the default browser as Chrome. I’m just afraid that all your other custom settings in Chrome will be undone when you reset it.

As I mentioned before, the “Open With” setting in Get Info is not really working. It says Safari on my system but the real default browser is Safari Technology Preview, which is a totally different app from Safari.
Apr 4, 2019
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Did you try it yourself? I was going to suggest the opposite—reset Google Chrome because I couldn't find any place else to make it forget about being the default browser. Then go into System Settings and assign the default browser as Chrome. I’m just afraid that all your other custom settings in Chrome will be undone when you reset it.

As I mentioned before, the “Open With” setting in Get Info is not really working. It says Safari on my system but the real default browser is Safari Technology Preview, which is a totally different app from Safari.
No I did not try it Tony.
Out of my depth!
Feb 14, 2021
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Would this help Tony:-

I’m not in a position to try this right now—ugdating macOS to 14.5 Beta (23F5049f). Did you try following the instructions in the YT video? I will give it a look once I’m back on my main system.

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