Problems scanning from a HP printer

Dec 6, 2021
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I want to scan with usb connecting from my HP printer 6234 and send the scan to my mac (Ventura 13). I got the message: "problem with scanner" error -9922
Thans for any help

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
  • Which exact model Mac?
  • How old is that HP ENVY Photo 6234 All-in-One Printer?
  • Was it working before you upgraded to Ventura?
  • If so, what version of macOS were you using prior?
  • It doesn't look like there is an update driver/software installer for MacOS 13 Ventura on the HP website...have you contacted HP support?
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
While I agree with Cory, it has to be accepted that Scanning Drivers are challenging to manage, particularly as hardware and software age.

There are alternatives, but I stress that the following is offered as one solution based on personal experience without financial involvement.

We all know that Manufacturers rely on sales of new products to maintain their profitability and attempt to grow their market share. It is accepted that this process is legitimate and essential to provide technology to meet current standards and requirements for a reasonable time. However, not many folks expect their kit to last forever.
Therefore, it should be no surprise that updated Divers are not supported when newer product sales become established.

My realisation came many years ago after several failures to locate Drivers for Scanners before my expectation of their life cycle.

I cannot remember how I stumbled across the solution that supported my scanners until their replacement. My current Flat-Bed Scanner has always been run on VueScan because the Scanner Manufactures's system seems too complex and unnecessary.

A search for VueScan will reveal Software developed and maintained by one person. Like every other business, it needs to make a profit to survive. But importantly, in this case, it does not have to consider sales of new hardware and has to keep up the Software support.
When I purchased it, there were two options available:

VueScan Pro with the purchaser's lifetime support. NB. This is no longer available.

VueScan with support for a fixed time.

Currently, this has morphed into the following:

One-time purchase of a choice of Editions at approximate UK pricing ✻✻✻:

Professional [£100]; Standard [£50.00]; Basic [£25.00]:

Alternatively, there are Monthly Payment options for the Professional and Standard editions.

The following is my understanding of some essential aspects. Please visit the VueScan website and read ALL the information available:
✻✻✻ When you purchase the one-time version of VueScan, you can indefinitely use any version released within your initial year of updates. To keep receiving updates after one year, you can sign up for the VueScan Update Program, a subscription service that allows you to receive updates for a yearly fee. Arguably NOT a one-time purchase?
VueScan Basic will probably suffice for most folks' requirements. If you are not put off by the cost, it is strongly suggested that you visit the website. It is possible to refer to lists of ALL the Scanners covered,
For non-commercial purposes, you can use the Standard and Professional Editions of VueScan on up to four computers you own, with any combination of operating systems and any number of scanners, both x32 and x64, with a single license.

There is a Trial version of VueScan. This produces irremovable WaterMarked scans. However, it validated's its ability to function with the chosen hardware. If problems are experienced, it is a requirement to download the Logs produced by the system and attach them to the request for assistance. My experience with this system has been required only a couple of times, during many years of use, and was found to be excellent.

To use the Software:
1. Download and instal VueScan
2. Switch on the Scanner
3. Run VueScan. This needs the scanner to be running to recognise it.
4. The system is mainly intuitive, but a manual is available if required.
5. Experiment. There are shortcuts to achieving various workflows.

Try before you buy. Best wishes, G.
Last edited:
Dec 6, 2021
Reaction score
Sorry for the late answer, Cory. Thanks for your reaction. My Mac is 24 inch M1 2021 Ventura 13.0.1 My all in one HP printer is about 3years. This is the first time that Try to scan to the computer wireless. I have not contacted HP support, because i didn't want to put more time in it. Use my iPhone for a photo instead of scan. I wanted to use the scan for better color result in the scan (its about artwork)
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Jave.
Looking forward to your appraisal of the software.
IMO it is certainly worth having a go if you feel your HP All In One has some useful life.
At only three years old it should have a lot more.
Good luck.

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