ICloud problems

Mar 28, 2016
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Hello Helpers!

I don't fully understand iCloud.

Al my photos are on the MacBook Air harddisk.
  • How do you determine which photos go to iCloud? Or do they go there all together?
  • Are the photos in iCloud in fact copies of the photos on the Mac harddisk?
  • Once photos are in the iCloud, can you delete their originals on the Mac harddisk? That would create space on the Mac harddisk.
I see that photos on the Mac take 124GB. Photos in iCloud take only 2,8GB.
  • Is this because there are less photos in iCloud?
  • Or is this because in the iCloud photos are stored in an other 'format'?
Five questions, many.

Thank you in advance for your reactions! Dirk
MacBook Air 2020 M1
macOS Monterery 12.6.1
Mar 28, 2016
Reaction score
Thanks Cory, Yes, I know these articles, but interpretation is unsure - at least for me. If you 'move' the photos to iCloud: does that mean that you just make a copy? If so, is 'gain of space' obtained just because the 'format' in iCloud is such that it takes less space there AND you can erase these photos on the Mac disk?
Of course I could store my photos on a separate harddisk, but then they are more difficult to share.
Thanks again, Dirk

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