New iPhone14 Setup Error: Apple Apps Just Won't Install

Apr 16, 2024
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Hey y'all, just got myself an iPhone14, and I was all excited to set it up using the backup from my iPhone 12 Pro Max. For some odd reason, all the Apple apps (you know, Contacts, Notes, Reminders, Calendar, Watch, Shortcuts, and the like) are stuck in limbo. They're all sitting there with their icons saying 'waiting', and when I give 'em a tap, all I get is a stubborn message telling me 'Unable to install please try again later'. It's just these Apple apps acting up; every other app installed to my new phone just fine and is up and running.

I've been down the rabbit hole of internet solutions, trying this and that, but nothing's done the trick so far. I'm starting to think a full reset might be the only way out of this mess, setting it up as a new phone without using any backup. But before I plunge, I figured I'd reach out to you guys. Got any tips or tricks that might save me from a full reset?
Mar 24, 2024
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By far the easiest way for you now is to reset the new iPhone to factory settings then use the Quick Start method as described here:
Counter to the name it's not all that quick but it is easy and will result in a "clone" of your old phone. Wallpapers, preferences, home screen layout will all be the same but the time it takes is entirely dependent on the speed of your WiFi network as most of your 3rd party apps will need to download from the App Store.

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