MS word keeps crashing when saving document on one drive on a Mac computer

Feb 12, 2024
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I need help. when i open a word document from one drive on a Company Mac laptop, and when i edit and save it. word keeps crashing. can anyone help me please? thanks
Feb 7, 2024
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I need help. when i open a word document from one drive on a Company Mac laptop, and when i edit and save it. word keeps crashing. can anyone help me please? thanks
Which Mac it is? M1?
Have you recently updated to Sonoma?

Anyway, you can try these to resolve this.
First things first, update Word, and give your Mac a quick restart if it is Still crashing, you can even clear some hidden files that might be messing things up.

Now, since you're using OneDrive, let's double-check that everything's synced properly. Sometimes, editing before things are fully uploaded can lead to wonky behavior. And hey, if working offline feels comfortable, give that a shot! Edit locally, save to your computer, then upload the updated version – easy peasy.

Also, You could always loop in your IT department, they might have some magic tools up their sleeves. You could also try a different browser for accessing OneDrive, or even explore using other text editors like Pages or Google Docs.
Feb 14, 2021
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How about saving the Word document locally instead of OneDrive? If that works, you can then copy it over to OneDrive. You can also try copying the file from OneDrive to your local drive and do the edits and save before copying it back to OneDrive. The main aim is to do your interaction with OneDrive via Finder instead of Word. At least it’s one way of narrowing the possibilities.

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