My MBP has been acting very weird all of the sudden and is making it unusable. I have already replaced the logic board in it about 6 months ago so I’m not very thrilled that something else is happening with it.
The problem is best described in a series of events.
I try to turn computer on and fight with it for a couple reboots with a white screen along with restarting itself.
Once I FINALY get back in, it acts normal but slightly slow.
I can be just on Safari or in my case, trying to preview my Osmo video clips to make a travel video and then the screen with go to blue verticals stripes and than put me in between screens. My curser can still move but it’s a pixel line. I’ve had that screen lasting over 2mins before it just shuts off.
I’m a freelance Cinematographer with video that’s must get done and I can’t do anything. One thing I noticed was on my left upper corner of my bottom body it was blazing hot at times. I turnerd off the MBP last night to let it sit through the night and try to open Final Cut Pro in the morning but the second the screen popped up it did the funky screen again and turned off. I did already go into the Disk Utilities and do the first aid, it says everything’s fine.
The problem is best described in a series of events.
I try to turn computer on and fight with it for a couple reboots with a white screen along with restarting itself.
Once I FINALY get back in, it acts normal but slightly slow.
I can be just on Safari or in my case, trying to preview my Osmo video clips to make a travel video and then the screen with go to blue verticals stripes and than put me in between screens. My curser can still move but it’s a pixel line. I’ve had that screen lasting over 2mins before it just shuts off.
I’m a freelance Cinematographer with video that’s must get done and I can’t do anything. One thing I noticed was on my left upper corner of my bottom body it was blazing hot at times. I turnerd off the MBP last night to let it sit through the night and try to open Final Cut Pro in the morning but the second the screen popped up it did the funky screen again and turned off. I did already go into the Disk Utilities and do the first aid, it says everything’s fine.