MacBook pro mid 15" mid 2014 blackscreen shutdown

Feb 17, 2017
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I have a strange problem with my MacBook Pro 15" mid 2014. After I boot into OSX, in just a few minutes, sometime seconds the screen goes black with the backlight still on.
The problem is very strange because if I connect it to a TV/monitor via HDMI everything works just fine (I'm currently use it with an HDMI EDID dummy for about a month).

I want to mention that Windows works perfectly in bootcamp, no issues at all, no need to connect it to HDMI.

I reinstalled OSX, I even tried older versions of OSX, but unfortunately with the same outcome.

This is a video which describe my problem:

Do you have any thoughts of what could it be? Do you think it could be repaired?
Sep 17, 2014
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Hmm, that is a strange issue. It would help if you let us know the following:

1. What exact Mac OS are you using?
2. Are you making backups to an external device?
3. Have you ever done any disk cleanup/maintenance/repairs?
4. How exactly did you do the re-installation of the OS?
5. Just to confirm, you have a Bootcamp/Windows partition on your internal drive, and when you use software there, you are not having this issue. Is that correct?

If the answer to #5 is yes, then this should not be a hardware issue. Also, regarding the OS re-installation, the preferred method would have been 1) Erase and Format that Mac OS partition, and 2) do a clean, "virgin" installation of the OS.
Feb 17, 2017
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Hmm, that is a strange issue. It would help if you let us know the following:

1. What exact Mac OS are you using?
2. Are you making backups to an external device?
3. Have you ever done any disk cleanup/maintenance/repairs?
4. How exactly did you do the re-installation of the OS?
5. Just to confirm, you have a Bootcamp/Windows partition on your internal drive, and when you use software there, you are not having this issue. Is that correct?

If the answer to #5 is yes, then this should not be a hardware issue. Also, regarding the OS re-installation, the preferred method would have been 1) Erase and Format that Mac OS partition, and 2) do a clean, "virgin" installation of the OS.

First time when I got this problem I thought it was a software issue, so I reinstalled OS Sierra from a USB drive (downloaded from App Store, put it on an USB drive). I performed a clean install, I formated the main partition (at the time I had 2 partitions) and installed the OS.

I was kinda happy because I didn't encountered any issues at all through installing process.
In the first 5 minutes of using the OS crashed badly like before.

I said wtf, must be a problem with Sierra or something.

After some googleing I decided to install the osx from Internet recovery mode, so I did... It was an old version of OSX... I can't remember exactly which one, probably snow Leopard, it had the old interface with the glossy dock.

I was happy again because the installing process went well and I was convinced this time it would work...

I booted up the OS and after a few minutes it crashed again, same thing blackscreen with the backlight lighted on.

I reinstalled Sierra, no surprise the problem came back as soon as I booted up the OS.

I was very intrigued by this issue and I made a live stick with Linux, I plugged it in the laptop, boot it up and surprise, surprise, my laptop was running without any problems at all... I test it thoroughly, for hours, no errors no nothing.

I use it for some time with Linux and one day, by the chance I plugged it into a monitor via hdmi, I had some work to do in excel, and I prefer to work on a wide monitor... Anyway after I finished my work I forgot to plug it to an outlet and the battery died while I was browsing the Internet... Then I plugged to an outlet and when I turned it back on I didn't paid attention to boot it in Linux, so it went straight in OSX... By that time I didn't know that if it's connected to HDMI it works fine, so I was impressed seeing it working again in OSX... I unplugged it from HDMI and move it from the desk and immediately crashed...

After multiple tests I was convinced that if it's plugged in an external display works just fine so I bought a dummy HDMI (it's like a small stick that mimics an external display)... I was right about that matter, it's working fine, and I can still use it as a laptop.

Just from pure curiosity I decided to make a bootcamp partition (it was very annoying because I had to merge my partitions into one) and after that I was able to make a bootcamp partition... After Windows 10 installing process was finished I installed all drivers without any issues, I even downloaded Steam and installed Metro, played a few missions, no problems whatsoever.

I went to an Apple authorized reseller and they told me I have to change the entire motherboard (~$700)... Asked them what's the problem, they said the motherboard... I was pretty furios because it was such an evasive answer.
I said no thanks, and I took it to a 3rd party service, they told me I need a CPU reballing so I told them to do it.
After this process it workd for a few days and the problem came back immediately after I moved it from the desk.
Sometimes if I shake it or drop it hard on the table it works for minutes, maybe hours, without the HDMI dummy plugged in, so I excluded any software issue.

I forgot to mention... I run the diagnostic process may times and it passed it without issues every time.

I hope I didn't bored you guys with this long description and I have to apologize for my bad English.
Sep 17, 2014
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Man, you have gone through a lot! Given that it works fine with the Bootcamp/Windows 10 partition (ie, the built-in monitor on your MacBook Pro works fine), the logical conclusion would be a software issue. But who knows, in terms of the Mac OS software (whatever you are using) and how it "communicates"/works with the video circuitry.

Regarding your store visits, for the Apple authorized reseller, did you ask them why it works with the Bootcamp/Windows 10 partition? And for that other place, what the heck is "CPU reballing"? Never heard of that term.

Another question: you never stated whether you are making backups, but if you are, and after you did the clean, "virgin" installation of both Sierra and that other OS, did you then subsequently "migrate"/copy stuff from that backup?

One other thing, for the very first time this happened, how many partitions did you have? And was that with OS Sierra installed?
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Feb 17, 2017
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Man, you have gone through a lot! Given that it works fine with the Bootcamp/Windows 10 partition (ie, the built-in monitor on your MacBook Pro works fine), the logical conclusion would be a software issue. But who knows, in terms of the Mac OS software (whatever you are using) and how it "communicates"/works with the video circuitry.

Regarding your store visits, for the Apple authorized reseller, did you ask them why it works with the Bootcamp/Windows 10 partition? And for that other place, what the heck is "CPU reballing"? Never heard of that term.

One other thing, for the very first time this happened, how many partitions did you have? And was that with OS Sierra installed?

Sure, I asked them but they shrugged and said it's the motherboard... You can imagine I asked them what's wrong with the motherboard but they couldn't tell me.

First time when I encountered this problem, if I remember well I had OSX Sierra beta 7 or 8, it was just before the GM version. I had 2 partitions, one for OS and apps and the other one for iTunes library, photos, etc.
Sep 17, 2014
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Starting with beta software "might" have been an issue. When Sierra went GM, how did you get to OS 10.12 from the beta release? If you just "updated in place", there might have been something problematic left over from the beta release. Also, when you did the recent, clean installation, was it V10.12.3, which is the latest version?

I ask again: are you making any backups at all, to an external drive?

If you do not need anything from your partitions (especially if you have no backups), maybe Erasing, Formatting, and Partitioning the entire drive might be in order. Then do a clean installation of OS 10.12.3 onto one of those partitions, and see what results.

Going forward, it would be beneficial if you get into the habit of doing disk cleanup/maintenance/repairs on a periodic basis, and also backups. For the disk maintenance tasks, there are both some excellent freeware and commercial products available to help you with that. As for backups, there is, of course, Time machine, but I prefer to use SuperDuper!, as it makes a bootable backup/clone of my entire system. I do that for both of my Macs, and it's just like having another machine (ie, booting from the partition on my external drive). It also makes recovery much easier than with a Time Machine backup.
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Feb 17, 2017
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Starting with beta software "might" have been an issue. When Sierra went GM, how did you get to OS 10.12 from the beta release? If you just "updated in place", there might have been something problematic left over from the beta release. Also, when you did the recent, clean installation, was it V10.12.3, which is the latest version?

I ask again: are you making any backups at all, to an external drive?

If you do not need anything from your partitions (especially if you have no backups), maybe Erasing, Formatting, and Partitioning the entire drive might be in order. Then do a clean installation of OS 10.12.3 onto one of those partitions, and see what results.

Well, in the beginning I thought that was an OS problem, and the official release for Sierra was just a few days away, so I waited for them to release it.
Immediately after, I made a bootable USB drive with Sierra, the thing is it's impossible to have left over date since I formatted the entire system partition and I set it up as a new Mac.

I don't have system backups, I have only my photo library saved on an external HDD.

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
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Hello and welcome.

Strange issue indeed. It could simply be a loose connection, failing HDMI port, or a failing LVDS cable from the display to the logic board.

I have never heard of any official Apple Authorized Service Provider offering any form of reballing/resoldering, as even Apple Stores themselves do not perform component-level repairs on the logic board. They perform full logic board swaps, as that is not an authorized Apple repair strategy, and will void any warranty that may be left on the MBP.

-I am sure you have done so, but if not, have your tried an NVRAM and SMC reset at all?
-Have you tried switching graphics modes - Integrated video on Intel-based Macs?
-Have you tried a Mini Display Port to DVI or VGA adapter via the Thunderbolt 2 port, instead of HDMI?

Feb 17, 2017
Reaction score
Hello and welcome.

Strange issue indeed. It could simply be a loose connection, failing HDMI port, or a failing LVDS cable from the display to the logic board.

I have never heard of any official Apple Authorized Service Provider offering any form of reballing/resoldering, as even Apple Stores themselves do not perform component-level repairs on the logic board. They perform full logic board swaps, as that is not an authorized Apple repair strategy, and will void any warranty that may be left on the MBP.

-I am sure you have done so, but if not, have your tried an NVRAM and SMC reset at all?
-Have you tried switching graphics modes - Integrated video on Intel-based Macs?
-Have you tried a Mini Display Port to DVI or VGA adapter via the Thunderbolt 2 port, instead of HDMI?


The official reseller told me I have to swap the motherboard and I didn't liked this option so I went to a regular service for reballing.

- Yep, I tried to reset the PRAM NVRAM and SMC.
- It's the base model, doesn't have dual GPU. Screen Shot 2017-02-17 at 9.21.23 PM.png
- I didn't tried to connect it through Thunderbolt/mini display port.
Sep 17, 2014
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Well, in the beginning I thought that was an OS problem, and the official release for Sierra was just a few days away, so I waited for them to release it.
Immediately after, I made a bootable USB drive with Sierra, the thing is it's impossible to have left over date since I formatted the entire system partition and I set it up as a new Mac.

I don't have system backups, I have only my photo library saved on an external HDD.

First, when you did that initial erase and format, did you do that for the entire drive? If not, then again you might try and do that right now, ie, use Disk Utility to Erase (let it do more than a few "passes"), Format, and Partition your internal drive, then do a clean, "virgin" installation of OS 10.12.3. onto one of those partitions.

I guess another possibility is that there was a firmware update for your machine. Typically, though, such updates are taken care of with an OS installation. But just in case, this link explains checking to see if you need such an update:

It looks like there are 2 of them for a 2014 MacBook Pro.

Once more, to confirm: your built-in display on the MacBook Pro works flawlessly with the Bootcamp/Windows partition, correct?
Sep 17, 2014
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The official reseller told me I have to swap the motherboard and I didn't liked this option so I went to a regular service for reballing.

- Yep, I tried to reset the PRAM NVRAM and SMC.
- It's the base model, doesn't have dual GPU.View attachment 2173
- I didn't tried to connect it through Thunderbolt/mini display port.

Again, though, you stated that the built-in display works fine with the Bootcamp/Windows 10 partition, right?
Feb 17, 2017
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Again, though, you stated that the built-in display works fine with the Bootcamp/Windows 10 partition, right?

First, when you did that initial erase and format, did you do that for the entire drive? If not, then again you might try and do that right now, ie, use Disk Utility to Erase (let it do more than a few "passes"), Format, and Partition your internal drive, then do a clean, "virgin" installation of OS 10.12.3. onto one of those partitions.

I guess another possibility is that there was a firmware update for your machine. Typically, though, such updates are taken care of with an OS installation. But just in case, this link explains checking to see if you need such an update:

It looks like there are 2 of them for a 2014 MacBook Pro.

Once more, to confirm: your built-in display on the MacBook Pro works flawlessly with the Bootcamp/Windows partition, correct?

When I brought the laptop to the authorized reseller they connected my motherboard to another machine and they also connected a brand new SSD for testing it out.

Damn, I can't update the SMC firmware in Sierra... this requires OSX 10.9.5.Screen Shot 2017-02-17 at 9.31.39 PM.png

The built in display works fine with Win 10 and Mac too, I use it right now, but I have to keep an external display plugged, for example now, it's connected to a Samsung TV which is turned of).
Feb 17, 2017
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Anyway guy, I didn't get to thank you, I really appreciate your support.
I'm going to install 10.9.5 and try to update that SMC firmware, I let you know what happens as soon as I update it.
Sep 17, 2014
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I cannot run that .pkg, apparently my machine doesn't need it.

OK, no surprise, as either your machine was fine all along, or one of the Mac OS installations you did updated the firmware for you.

Now, to get something VERY clear: For your Bootcamp/Windows partition, can you use stuff there without any external monitor connected, and thus the display built in to your MacBook Pro works fine? Yes or no. If no, then most likely there is a hardware issue with your motherboard. If yes, then again maybe a complete Erase, Format, Partition, and clean Sierra installation on your internal drive is in order.

And as for "When I brought the laptop to the authorized reseller they connected my motherboard to another machine and they also connected a brand new SSD for testing it out.", what was the result of that?
Feb 17, 2017
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OK, no surprise, as either your machine was fine all along, or one of the Mac OS installations you did updated the firmware for you.

And as for "When I brought the laptop to the authorized reseller they connected my motherboard to another machine and they also connected a brand new SSD for testing it out.", what was the result of that?

OK, no surprise, as either your machine was fine all along, or one of the Mac OS installations you did updated the firmware for you.

Now, to get something VERY clear: For your Bootcamp/Windows partition, can you use stuff there without any external monitor connected, and thus the display built in to your MacBook Pro works fine? Yes or no. If no, then most likely there is a hardware issue with your motherboard. If yes, then again maybe a complete Erase, Format, Partition, and clean Sierra installation on your internal drive is in order.

And as for "When I brought the laptop to the authorized reseller they connected my motherboard to another machine and they also connected a brand new SSD for testing it out.", what was the result of that?

I already formatted/erased the system partition, my second partition is just for itunes library and photos, I don't have any software installed that could produce a glitch.

In bootcamp works without anything plugged in, works like a normal computer without any issues, no need for an external display.

In order to work on OSX I have to plug this Screen Shot 2017-02-18 at 12.12.04 AM.png (HDMI EDID) or an external display. The monitor works just fine, I can use it even if I have an external display plugged in (I'm using the mirroring option, so I can plug an external display or multiple displays but in the same time I can use the built in monitor).

Yes, they swapped the SSD with a brand new for testing and the result was the same... black screen, freeze and then complete shutdown.
Dec 4, 2017
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Hello guys, have the same problem on my mid 2014 15"
I don't know how to solve that problem, but i also has found that mac os works ok when cpu has some
Consistant tasks to do, fe I noticed that if I open itunes and start playing long list of songs with 0 volume, my macbook continue its work, also has found that some guys advised using
nohup yes > /dev/null & that command in Terminal, that command will run one of your cores at 100% as long as you keep terminal opened, that is overheads, but I still searching for the reason
Feb 17, 2017
Reaction score
Hello guys, have the same problem on my mid 2014 15"
I don't know how to solve that problem, but i also has found that mac os works ok when cpu has some
Consistant tasks to do, fe I noticed that if I open itunes and start playing long list of songs with 0 volume, my macbook continue its work, also has found that some guys advised using
nohup yes > /dev/null & that command in Terminal, that command will run one of your cores at 100% as long as you keep terminal opened, that is overheads, but I still searching for the reason

Hi man, I just tried this command and it's working... Unfortunately, the CPU stress is a bit higher than normal, but still, my MacBook works without being connected to an HDMI dongle.

Can you tell me where did you found this command, I'd like to read more about this matter.

Thanks a lot for the inside!
Feb 17, 2017
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Okay, I'm 90% sure that there's an issue with the cpu power scaling.

I used intel power gadget to monitor the cpu loade and wattage.

Usually, by default, my MacBook pro energy usage is between 1 W - 50 W...

When it's plugged into hdmi the wattage consumption never dips lower than 5 W, I guess the CPU can't go in ultra power saving mode.

When I run "nohup yes > /dev/null &" command in Terminal the energy usage is always greater than 10 W...

In conclusion, I'm certain that something happened with the CPU and it cannot run on low wattage...

Is there someone who can tell me how to modify the default wattage consumption for the CPU?

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