Hello all. Thanks beforehand to anyone taking the time to read this. I have a 15" MacBook Pro Mid 2010 with a 2.7 GHz i7 and 4GB of 1067 DDR3 RAM with the Intel HD graphics 288 MB. Yesterday, I began having problems with my screen that seem to be movement based, which makes me think that it may be a problem with the cable connecting the screen to the logic board. But what do I know? Basically, my laptop screen will randomly "glitch out" for lack of a better term (the screen looks abnormal and will sometimes flash rapidly) before shutting down or giving the dreaded three beeps. It seems like if I set my laptop on a desk or other stationary object, I can use it without issue, but as soon as I have it on my lap, the problems begin. One other possibly relevant detail is that I have had RAM issues in the past. There are two ram slots but I can only use one. Even if I put a brand new ram card in the second slot, I will almost immediately get the three beeps and it won't work properly. So I only have one slot with 4GB in use currently. I know that the three beeps usually indicate a ram issue but I have never previously had any issues with the screen like I am having at the moment. Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.