Downloading YouTube Vids?

Sep 17, 2014
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Part of that depends on what OS you are using. Not knowing how my suggestions would be received, here are the results of a google search I just did for "Mac software for downloading YouTube Videos":

Also, I did that search while I am still in the UK, so some of those links are "connected" with the UK (usually not an issue). So, it might be beneficial to do such a search yourself, read some of the resulting links, come up with a list of such software, and ask for opinions about such products here.
Oct 17, 2016
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Well, after reviewing a number of things found in Google, and finding them all to be various variations of cheeseball el junko, I'm going to screen record with Voila.
Oct 17, 2016
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Oh darn, you deleted the spam. And I had such a snappy sarcastic come back planned! Oh well...
Apr 25, 2017
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I'm using Airy app for few years, works well, but it's not free. I've got it with a good discount
Jul 26, 2017
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9 allows you to paste the URL link into a box near the top of its website and it instantly downloads videos directly to your Mac (unless its copyrighted or commercially "protected" in some way).
Jul 26, 2017
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I don't know if it was there all the time and I simply didn't notice it, or if it simply appeared after downloading and paying for a little app called "ummy." What I'm talking about is illustrated here:
YouTube Screen.jpg

Popping open the menu offers a choice of download resolutions, and with Ummy installed, you can download videos in high definition, provided a hi-res file was uploaded in the first place. But I really don't remember ever seeing the little download box before I began using Ummy.

It might not annoy anyone else, but when the file finishes downloading, QuickTime will launch automatically and open the file in front of whatever else you're doing. By the way, anyone who enjoys such a thing, this girl's YT channel is amazing. She is one of the most amazing drummers I've ever seen. I've been watching her videos since she was 14 (she'll turn 19 this May).
Sep 17, 2014
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Thanks for the info! And a great choice in artists! I also like Foreigner, especially their song "I Want To Know What Love Is". I had heard it "somewhat" in my younger days, but what really spiked my interests is when it played at the end of one of the episodes of "Big Love", formerly on HBO. I just had to get it!
Jul 26, 2017
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Thanks for the info! And a great choice in artists! I also like Foreigner, especially their song "I Want To Know What Love Is". I had heard it "somewhat" in my younger days, but what really spiked my interests is when it played at the end of one of the episodes of "Big Love", formerly on HBO. I just had to get it!
This girl (Sina) has a TON of drum covers on her channel. She finds "drumless" audio tracks to record to. Any monies generated go to the copyright owners, not her.

I used to babysit a nephew for my little brother when the nephew was just a sprig about 2 years old. One day we had lunch, Nathan in his high chair, of course, and "I Want To Know What Love Is" came around on the CD in my stereo and Nathan began crying. I paused the song and he stopped crying. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him and he seemed fine, so I started the music again, and sure enough, he began crying. After several cycles of this, it dawned on me the song might be causing him to cry. I could play anything else, and he was fine. He loved music. But if I put that song on, he'd begin crying again as if on cue. Funniest thing I've ever seen in my life!
Sep 17, 2014
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Would not think that song would make one cry! But I guess stranger things have happened.

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