Cant reinstall startup disk on Mac?

Jun 23, 2022
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I had the dreaded question mark folder when I turned on my Mac and soon found out that my Startup Disk had mysteriously vanished.

Eventually I managed to get the computer started by installing a startup disk on an external hard drive which works fine but now I’d like to turn on the computer without the external drive plugged in.

Is there a way to reinstall the startup disk on the Mac?

I’m currently on version 10.9.5 but I used to be on a more recent version (it’s been a while since I’ve properly used my Mac due to personal circumstances).

Not sure what other info I need to give for anyone to usefully help me, but I can give more info as required.

Also apologies if any of the above is unclear but I do feel like I’m attempting to speak in a foreign language when talking about computers.

Thanks in advance


Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hello and welcome.
  • Which exact model Mac?
  • How much free space is left on the internal drive?
  • Do you have a current Time Machine or other backup of your data?
  • Did you have any other issues leading up to this issue, i.e. hanging, freezing, etc.?
Jun 23, 2022
Reaction score
Hi Cory, thanks.

The model is iMac, 21.5 inch, late 2013

When I check for storage in about this Mac it only shows two external hard drives, my backup drive and the one I used as a startup disc, is the internal storage shown elsewhere or is that a major part of my problem? Has my internal drive gone missing/broken?

I have a time machine backup yes, if I try to restore from time machine the only destination disk shown is the external drive that has the startup on, so I guess that’s part of the bigger issue that I hadn’t realised about my internal hard drive.

I don’t remember any issues but I remember thinking there’d been a power cut or surge or something, both the smoke detectors were playing their low battery sound even though they’re both mains powered with battery backup.

It seems I may have been asking the wrong question then, is it possible to recover my Macintosh HD drive?

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