Cant get rid of 'wifi could not be joined' label

Nov 29, 2017
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Hi all, I rec entry tried to logon at McDonalds and the Wifi could not be joined label popped up. I tried clicking Cancel and Run diagnostics but nothing happens and the label is permanently on top of anything I have since logged on to. How do I get rid of it please ? Tia.
Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
Need some more information:

1. What exact Mac model do you have?

2. What exact Mac OS are you running?

3. Have you ever done any disk cleanup/maintenance/repairs, from a software perspective?

4. I assume you are using your Mac to get on this site. Thus, it is working fine with the internet, correct?
Nov 29, 2017
Reaction score
Macbook Pro 13" 2016.
macOS High Sierra,
No I haven't done any file clearing or anything
email works intermittently.
I sometimes need to send mail from another a\c cos it says my main account is unconnected but I still receive anything that is sent.
Regards, KenH
Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
Hmm, another High Sierra "quirk"? Man, am I happy that I have not upgraded yet. Just too many strange issues to deal with (although one wonders if a lot of them are due to insufficient planning/preparation).

A couple of more questions:

1. What Mac OS did you upgrade from?

2. Did you just upgrade "in place", ie, have High Sierra overwrite what was there?

3. Do you have V10.13.1 of High Sierra?

4. A recent security arose with High Sierra, and Apple earlier today issued a Security Update. You might want to read the thread I started yesterday about this, along with a post I just made to that discussion about the security update:

5. Are you using any third party (ie, non-Apple) applications? If so, did you insure that they are compatible with High Sierra? This link can help you with that:

You might need to download and install some updates.

6. This one is critical: are you making backups to an external device? If (hopefully) you are, what software are you using for that?

7. I guess you can also reset your modem and router (your ISP should have instructions on how to do that. Myself, I am on Comcast, and their procedure is to unplug the modem and router, wait about 20 seconds or so, plus the router back in, and then the modem).
Nov 29, 2017
Reaction score
Hi honestone,
I have no idea what I upgraded from and I just upgraded when prompted by Apple. It is v10.13.1 I have. I am aware of the new security bug. I have Kindle for Mac (just updated) app and VCL downloaded. I am on knowhow cloud for back up and have a hard drive with all my stuff on from my last Mac that was ruined by water on the keyboard. I'm happy for all that stuff to stay there. Hope this helps.

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