But I don't want to know that there is an OS update available ...

Sep 25, 2015
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So I'm on Monterey, and am REALLY NOT READY to update to Ventura. But System Preferences/Software Update icon wants to flash me a red ball saying that hey, Ventura is available. I KNOW THAT. I DON'T WANT IT. How can I turn off that annoying red ball? Not sure if that is considered a "notification", as I already have "Check for Updates" unchecked in SysPrefs/Software Update/Advanced. That's supposed to prevent software update notifications. If it's not supposed to be checking for updates, why am I being told there is an update available?

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score

My main M1 mini is also still on Monterey, because of my audio recording software that isn't fully compatible with Ventura yet.

Here is how I have things set, which prevents the Badge app icon on Software Update for me:
Screen Shot 2022-11-11 at 11.02.52.png

Screen Shot 2022-11-11 at 11.02.57.png

I also have Allow Notifications disabled for everything except Mail (Badges) and Messages (Badges, Sounds).

Sep 25, 2015
Reaction score
When I uncheck "automatically keep my Mac up to date" I just have an empty box. Not a dash. Also I do NOT want any one to check for new updates. That's precisely why it keeps telling me there is one right now, because for some reason it IS checking. I have none of these boxes checked, and I too have almost all notifications off. Am I missing something?

In fact, it's funny. When I uncheck the box "Check for updates" it immediately checks for updates!

Pretty simple. What I'd rather not have to see is this,

Screen Shot 2022-11-11 at 12.15.46 PM.jpg

or this

Screen Shot 2022-11-11 at 12.16.32 PM.jpg
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