What happens to my applications?

Aug 16, 2010
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So, about two and a half months ago, I got my first Mac from my aunt. (iMac G5, running OS X 10.4.11) She is a graphic designer, so when I got it, it already had the Adobe CS4 programs on it. I am now thinking about upgrading to 10.5(Leopard), but I'm scared I'll lose those applications since I don't have the installation disks for them, how do I upgrade without losing them?
Dec 31, 2008
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Use the Archive & Install way of initially installing Leopard. Trust me it will prevent a lot of upgrade headaches.

Once Leopard is running do not open any programs yet. Just open you favorite browser and down load the 10.5.1 Update and update it. When it reboots download the 10.5.6 Combo Update and it will take you straight to the latest 10.5.6 version of Leopard. Be patient because there will be a big security update inside the combo that will reboot the Mac twice, this is normal. Once 10.5.6 is all done then use Software Update to get the remaining updates.

Lastly get the free program AppFresh so it will find & point to all the program updates you applications will need to function in Leopard.

Note: One word of warning is Application Enhancer hackies from Tiger broke the Leopard install. So junk all the Application Enhancer plugins before upgrading to Leopard

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