Using Terminal to move my iTunes and GarageBand libraries to an external?

May 21, 2012
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Hey gang, here's the skinny: 13" Macbook, OSX 10.8.5, using faithfully since purchased in '09. Recently, seemingly overnight, it began acting rather wacky. iTunes won't open due to a 14013 error. GarageBand will open but won't function thanks to a constant midi driver error popping up. Firefox seems to have lost it's back button. Also, I can't drag, drop, copy, or paste :( I'm guessing this complication is a result of file sharing and have pretty much come to terms with the fact that I'm probably going to have to reformat. Before I begin that process, I want to make sure I back up my iTunes library and my GarageBand library (the only things I can't really live without.) However, this is difficult considering I can't drag, drop, copy, or paste. From what I understand, it's still possible to move files using Terminal, but I've absolutely no experience with Terminal. I did my best Google Fu and spent a few hours trying to move the folders with the mv command, but I feel like a monkey on a typewriter. If someone could please explain this process to me like I'm 5 years old, I would be very grateful! I just can't stand the thought of losing the music I've collected and composed over the past few years. Any and all help is appreciated!
Nov 26, 2010
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Not good, yes get your files off there! I'd just grab the whole folders.

the command is

and same for the other Folders, Documents and Pictures.
If you have stuff in your Desktop or Downloads you can do them too.

In Terminal you can use the up arrow to retype the command arrow key bachk and change the Folder Names and Destination name.

Good Luck.

NOTE there is a SPACE between Music and /Volumes
May 21, 2012
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Worked like a charm! Thanks brother! Follow-up question: what's the best way to reformat if I don't have my install disks? I don't think they survived a recent move to a new city I've made.
Nov 26, 2010
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If you can boot from an external drive or put it into Target mode you can use Disk Utilities.

But to install the OSX you need either the DVDs that came with your model or the Retail version.
May 21, 2012
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Ah, I see. I'm sure I can find some way of obtaining the OS - just wanted to see if there was a "high road" option. Thanks again for all your help!

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