Problem wit installing Sierra on a MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2016)

Nov 6, 2023
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I have a usb stick wit MacOS Sierra.
My mac is starting up from the usb drive.
I have erased the hardisk.
I made a new partition. (Mac OS Extended (journaled))
Then i got the message "Het is niet gelukt om de handtekening van de payload van het installatieprogramma te controleren" (in dutch)
(With google translate)"The installer payload failed signature check."
On the terminal i got the message : sudo command not found.
The time and date are correct (16:16:00 pst 2023)
But i cant change the region to europe (what i have read on the internet) because i cant use the "sudo comand".

I have already cleared the NVRAM more then ones.
I have 1 Mac and not use other mac's to try something.
What must i do?
May 7, 2023
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The problem that you are having may be a date issue. The installers have certificates in them that expire after a certain date.

The workaround is to change your date before running the installer.

After you boot from the installer, when you are at OS X Utilities screen, before you select Install OS X go to the Utilities menu on top and select Terminal. Once the terminal launches type in date 1201010018

This will set the date to Dec 1st, 2018 which should be prior to the date that the Install certificate expires.

After you get confirmation of the date, quit the terminal, and then Install OS X.

Once the Mac reboots into the OS, and you have an internet connection the date should automatically switch back to the current date and time.

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