Opening images in Preview: Is there any method to do incremental/precise zooming

Sep 13, 2015
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Hello, all. So I have a question that has been bugging me for pretty much all of my life when using the mac (without exaggeration): images opened in Preview can only be "zoomed in" or "zoomed out" in large increments, and way too often I want to zoom in on some text just a little bit more, but Preview will overshoot that.

I want to still use Preview instead of some other app for reading my pdf's, because of how minimalist and stable it is, so is there a way to enable lighter, or smarter, zooming in Preview?

Do any hidden settings exist that can be toggled, or 3rd-party developer addons that make this possible?

Any help in dealing with this would be extremely appreciated.
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Jan 25, 2017
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The method I use is to hold down the control button and then zoom in and out with the mouse 'wheel', this actually zooms the whole screen but it works for my purpose

With a picture in Preview on your Mac
hit the ~ (tilde) key
this will bring up the magnifier
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