Inserting e's and bizarre random noise

May 13, 2012
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My iMac has just developed a virus like activity of inserting e's in text that I type on web pages, logins, anywhere, but at random (it's only done it once here so far). It inserts e's until you stop it by back spacing. You start again, it does it again. Inserting passwords is a nightmare. Also at random times a repetitive loud sound is issued, sometimes halted by cmd tab or backspace. Before it started this behaviour it wouldn't allow web pages to be opened saying there was no internet connection, when clearly there was.

I I installed and ran ClamXav for two users but it found nothing.

Any ideas ? It's pretty freaky...
Nov 26, 2010
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It is probably a sticky "e" key, blow some compress air around it.

The sound will be it doing it with no input text field.

If you can borrow a keyboard, change the keyboard and see if the problem stops.

Running those utilities are a sure way of messing your Mac up.
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks Kaveman. I stuck the keyboard over a dehumidifier, and tried the mac again this morning. Was much improved and now gone (finger's crossed). Think the kids may have spilt some water on it. Am relieved it's not as bad as I thought! Cheers.

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