Greetings Fellow Travelers,
I am basically a computer illiterate. Please bear with me and I will not be offended if you speak to me like I'm a four year old
I have downloaded a set of instructions (in powerpoint) that gives me the ability to present my classes with a jeopardy game. The problem is, I have a Mac, while schools use a PC.
Short of purchasing (please no
a pc. Is there anyway that I can successfully use the Jeopardy game with both. Typically, I will set the questions on my Mac, then when using the file via thumb drive, the game does not work properly.
I've considered using a web based game, however, two of the classes that I teach have no internet access.
I apologize if I have sent this message to the wrong forum. Please feel free to direct me to the correct forum.
Thanks Very Much!
I am basically a computer illiterate. Please bear with me and I will not be offended if you speak to me like I'm a four year old
I have downloaded a set of instructions (in powerpoint) that gives me the ability to present my classes with a jeopardy game. The problem is, I have a Mac, while schools use a PC.
Short of purchasing (please no
I've considered using a web based game, however, two of the classes that I teach have no internet access.
I apologize if I have sent this message to the wrong forum. Please feel free to direct me to the correct forum.
Thanks Very Much!