Need help transferring photos from my iPhone 3GS to my Windows 8 laptop

Jun 9, 2013
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So, I have a iMac with photos I uploaded from my camera. I then was able to sync the photos to my iPhone 3GS. Now, I got a new Windows 8 laptop and would like to get the photos onto the laptop. I connected the iPhone to the laptop but it only let me sync photos from the camera roll. The photos I would like to sync are in a different album. So, how do I sync photos from my iPhone 3GS that are not in the camera roll album? Oh, and the photos were deleted from the camera so I only have the photos on the iMac and the iPhone 3GS. I also tried uploading the photos to flickr from the iMac because in the photos app for Windows 8 there is a thing for you flickr photos. Once I got all of my photos on Flickr, however, the photos app won't let me see my photos. It just says, "You're ready to go: We're setting things up now,so it may take a few minutes before you see any changes." Please help!
Nov 14, 2012
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Hi and Welcome,

There are many various ways to do this, here are just two,

1) Use a flash drive (Fat 32 format) copy from iMac onto drive then just plug into the win laptop and download them to whatever destination folder you choose.

2) Use dropbox it is a very well organised cloud based program, and works well. Download the app for all three devices and sync photos.
Jun 9, 2013
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Hmmm.... I tried to download Dropbox and my virus software said it wasn't safe and deleted it! I emailed myself the photos so that's not a huge problem anymore, but I love the idea of Dropbox.
Nov 14, 2012
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Hi AllyKat,

Hmmm.... I tried to download Dropbox and my virus software said it wasn't safe and deleted it!

Are you running a windows partition on your Mac, if not you really do not need antivirus software and would suggest you remove it ASAP.

Dropbox is safe, there are no security issues have been using a very long time now.:cool: it is a extremely good software package.
Jun 9, 2013
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My laptop is the one with the anti virus software. I haven't tried putting it on the mac yet because the only reason I would really need Dropbox would be for transferring photos and other things between my mac and my laptop. I would have continued to download it anyways but it automatically deleted it and didn't let me go any further.
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score

Understand now thanks:), I don not know which Antivirus your win PC is running, but I would defiantly contact them / submit a suspicious file form and inform them that they have a false positive regarding Dropbox, so they can put out an update to fix ASAP. Most if not all AV software vendors encounter false positive regularly ( every day) as it can be as simple as the way the file has been compressed.

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