Brand new Mac osX unresponsive and sluggish on late 2006 iMac

Dec 31, 2005
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Attempting to speed up the 2nd hand computer by re-partitioning the drive and installing Mac osX Snow Leopard, extremely disappointed to find the computer sluggish and unresponsive. The machine was acting this way before doing what I did but I assumed it was just because of all the garbage the previous owner seemed to have installed(Two useless toolbars added onto Safari, Thousands of aliases to non-existent files, etc)

What could be an explanation for this performance?
Nov 26, 2010
Reaction score
What model Mac is it?

Check the console it may well be logging problems.

Harddrive failings are often preempted by the Mac running slow as it tries to repair on the fly. So check the SMART status if its new enough.

It might just be old and tired.

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