Black screen on late 2009 imac after hearing a static "pop"

Sep 5, 2019
Reaction score
I had replaced the video connector on the main board and was testing the screen in place when I over stressed the vertical sync cable and pulled it from the monitor. The cable swung down and bounced onto one of the boards causing a sharp static "crack". The monitor went dark, no back light.

I believe I destroyed the lcd inverter board and I need to check the voltages to the monitor connector on the board. All I am finding is 11.83 V and ground. I tried to find the tech information on the inverter board (V267-601HF) on the web to no avail. Does anyone know the output voltage specs of the board or perhaps is aware of a link that supplies this information? I don't want to replace the lcd display unless I must.

Just so you know, I have already tested the computer with an external monitor and all works well. Also as mentioned above I cannot detect a back light.
I am new to working on MAC's of any kind so I am somewhat out of my element here so any assistance anyone can provide is greatly appreciated.


Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hello and welcome.

Since Apple holds their hardware properties close to the vest, there aren't any schematics floating around out there. Even the Apple Genius folks do not do component-level repair, or have access to most high-end technical information.

It does sound like an inverter board and/or the display panel itself was fried. Not much more information to give there.

Hope that helps and you find a solution.

Sep 5, 2019
Reaction score
Thanks for your nice and helpful reply. I am now fairly sure its one or the other so I have decided to initially try replacing the inverter board since it appears to be the least expensive option of the two. If this solves the problem I will measure output voltages and post the results on this forum with hopes that it might be helpful to others.
Thanks again,
Larry F.

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