Apple sent back my computer

Aug 17, 2018
Reaction score
Finally received my laptop back. Somebody wanted to know when I got it and what they did to fix it. Hope it's fixed, under warranty.

It was going completely dead, as I had posted in the other thread/post. They said "Reset NVRAM" Unit now powers on and
displays video normally. Unit passes graphics diagnostics. "

Hope that cured it !

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score

Gald it's back. I am surprised that all they did was an NVRAM reset, which you could have done without sending it out. I would guess the performed an SMC reset as well, which you can do too.

Let us know how it goes,

Aug 17, 2018
Reaction score
Well, it seems what could have been the problem is when I put it to sleep and then when I open the cover and it's dead I assume
it's broke, but, when I took it in the 2nd time I watched the girl wake it up by pressing the small, unmarked, no words or numbers just the little black button in the upper right hand corner. I never even paid any attention to it. LOL

this is my first apple laptop I said "what did you just do"? she said "sometimes, it doesn't want to wake up, so, you click on this
button and it will jump start it". I go "never knew that, these things come with no instruction and if your older and have no help
it's easy to miss this little button with no numbers or letters on it".

So, Gary could just be I was too stupid to know how to "jump start it". I'm ready to take the hit LOL
My warranty is up Aug 12th and she told me Best Buy only would exchange for a brand new one within 14 days .
After that I'd have to go thru Apple and see if they would stand by it, etc.

I asked for the support phone number for future reference. When I tried to find it the other day you have to wade
thru 20 pages of FAQ pages and go around and around. She handed it to me the number she got from her phone.

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