Tried to install my own software

Nov 6, 2018
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"GarageBand can’t be installed on “disk0s2” because OS X version 10.12 or later is required." - Tried to download garageband and this message came up. A while ago, i f*cked around with my computer, moving and deleting files in an attempt to do something else, and my computer just shut down and would only turn on as far as entering the password to get in. I looked at youtube tutorials, done loads of weird stuff and managed to get back in, but its not like my computer before. Its different, ill like the youtube vids below in a effort to explain what I had actually done to my poor computer:

this and tried it a couple times. and this which is similar

And if you go to 1.10 in this vid (goes to the black screen) i typed in some stuff and got this, then typed more stuff into the black screen.. :(

Sorry the info is scarce and I sound silly. But i really want to fix my computer and I dont have the money to go to a shop.
Nov 6, 2018
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*meant to say my mac would freeze on start up. only after a while and lots of faffing around was I able to get to the password page..
Sep 17, 2014
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Need to ask a couple of important questions:

1. What exact Mac model do you have?

2. Have you ever done any disk cleanup/maintenance/repairs, from a software perspective? You can actually do a good amount of disk cleanup on your own, and there are some excellent programs available (both free and commercial) that can help you with those tasks.

3. This is critical: are you making backups to an external device? If (hopefully) you are, what software are you using?

Having a backup is absolutely necessary, especially when you use Disk Utility to repair your internal drive.

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