What kind of podcast and how many participants?
It is a variety of topics from intermittent fasting, ultra running, sports, movies etc. 2 participants
-Have you done a test recording in that environment?
I have but only with GarageBand. I am meeting my friend today and we are gonna test both Garageband and Sound Studio.
-I am not familiar with the AMX 732 - do you have any additional information on it?
The mixer is a Audio 2000s AMX 7321UBT-4 Channel Audio Mixer Sound Board with USB, Bluetooth, and Sound Effects
-What brand/model are the mics?
I purchased two mics that are Samson Q2U Handheld Dynamic USB Microphone Recording and Podcast Pack.
I know a lot of people that podcast do it over Skype but I am trying to do as much as I can face to face. Thank you for responding and any feedback would be helpful.