Save/configure Google Chrome webpage shortcuts to open in same, new window?

Dec 16, 2016
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OSX Mojave 10.14.4, Google Chrome 74.0.3729.131

Hi all, wasn't sure whether to post here or on a Google Chrome forum. I figured since chrome is such a common web browser that this forum would be the most appropriate; many of you likely use Chrome on Mac OS.

The issue I'm having is that I have saved a few web shortcuts to a desktop folder for quick access- simply select them and double click to open.
However, I want all web shortcuts to open in the same, new window, and herein lies the problem; when the shortcuts are saved, one is provided with two options: either save the shortcut to open in a new window, or save it to open in an existing window.

The issue I'm having is that if I save all shortcuts to open in a new window, they will all open in separate windows.
If I save one to open in a new window and the others to open in an existing window, one will open in a new window, and the others will open in an older, preexisting window (if one exists), rather than the new window the other shortcut opens in.
This happens regardless of whether all shortcuts (set to open in new window & existing window) are selected and opened simultaneously, or whether one is set to open in a new window and is opened first to provide a new window for the others to open in; it seems that webpage shortcuts are configured to open in the oldest existing window (regardless of whether it is currently open or not), and I'm not sure how to change this.
If I could just configure them to open in the (preferably) newest or (alternatively) currently open window, that should solve the issue.

I don't want to have to close any existing windows, leaving only one window open for the shortcuts to open in, as this is quite inconvenient.

Anyone got a clue as to how to get around this issue?

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hello again,

Instead of saving them to a folder, try making a bookmark folder in Chrome, saving them as bookmarks in that folder, then you can right-click/Control-click on the folder of bookmarks and choose Open All (#) (open as tabs in current window), or Open All (#) in New Window (open as tabs in a new window). The (#) will display the number of bookmarks in the folder that it will open.

Dec 16, 2016
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Hi Corey!

Not a bad suggestion. I'll leave the question up in case another answer is out there for this somewhere, as I would prefer to access the webpages via the folder as opposed to bookmarks. This is because said folder also contains other documents that I need to open at the same time, so it would be more convenient to open everything from the same location, rather than having to access the relevant files from the folder, then go to bookmarks to retrieve the web pages.

Your suggestion is a feasible alternative for the time being, though, so thank you.

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