Restoring Audio Units Cache from Time Machine

Jul 23, 2016
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Hello all,

I have a macbook pro running Mac OS X ver. 10.6.8 and I recently deleted my audio units cache ( for logic pro b/c logic was stuck trying to find an AU on start up and I read on other forums that deleting the cache would make logic scan all AUs again (which would hopefully solve the problem). It turns out the problem was actually just that the AU it was "stuck" on had accidentally been uninstalled so deleting the cache was unnecessary and it has made logic invalidate all of my AUs. I just want to put the old cache file back and have tried to locate it using time machine but in previous dates my cache folder is empty and I can't find the cache file. I asked an apple support provider whether cache files from previous dates in time machine would be restored if a full system recovery was performed and he said "yes" so I think that the previous cache file can be accessed through time machine, but it doesn't seem to exist even though I didn't delete it (during previous dates). Any help would be greatly appreciated (and sorry in advance for breaking any pieces of forum etiquette (first time post).
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Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hello and welcome.

-Which version of Logic Pro - 8 or 9 perhaps?
-Where did you delete the from - your User folder > Library > Caches?
-Have you tried rescanning all audio units using Logic Pro > Preferences > Audio Unit Manager > Reset & Rescan?

Jul 23, 2016
Reaction score
Thanks for your response Cory. Yes it is version 9, Its been a couple days now so I'm not 100% sure whther the cache file was in the system library or the user library (sorry), but I think it was in the user library. I've tried resetting and re-scanning the units and the results screen that pops up when I click reset/rescan is completely blank, I have a plethora of AUs so trying to move them around or uninstall and re-install them would be very ardous especially when they are already working fine in Ableton, this is why I would love to just be able to replace the cache file.

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