Hey I have a late 2008 Macbook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo that I upgraded to Lion 10.7.3 and a couple years ago I also upgraded the RAM from 2gb to 4gb, which is supposed to be the max. However, I was informed that it can actually hold up to 8gb. So, about a week ago I installed 2 Crucial 4gb sticks of RAM and the computer works fine. It recognizes the 8gb of RAM, it seems to be faster, but...after a couple days, a ding noise comes out of the speakers every 10 minutes exactly. So, I took the casing off, took out and put back in the RAM making sure it was in there properly, and now does it not only continue to beep but I also can't get the battery to fit in all the way making it impossible to put the bottom casing back on. I am going to put the 4gb back in for now but in the meantime, I would like for someone to help me out. Or at least someone to tell me I'm an idiot for putting 8gb of RAM into a computer that can "technically" only hold 4gb...
Thanks everyone,
Thanks everyone,