Hi Ric,
It is a brand new Mac bought from the Apple store online. It is OS X (trying to find my paperwork here) newest operating system is my understanding. 20" screen. I have installed office mac (for the Powerpoint program I need for a course), AIM, iChat, have downloaded much from iTunes and some from musician friends who've shared mp.4's/3's with me. Lots of pics.
I have had some trouble with the online course server (WebCT) and have gotten around that by using two online servers (Safari and Firefox). My printer required a patch of some sort to work...it is a Canon MP730. Haven't found the paperwork telling which system it is and I'm not terribly good at this...ahhh; here it is: iMac 5, 1 2.6GHz Intel core 2 duo w/2GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM on a Mac HD.
If any more info will help, I'll try to find it.
Thanks again for any assist you can provide!