Mac Reads Everything

Dec 15, 2016
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My new OS X reads everything on the page and everything I type. When watching videos it also updates me every 2% on the slider bar. And when it reads the next item on a website, the page jumps back to the top of the page. I need the audio to work on this comp, so muting is not always an option. It makes the computer unusable most of the time, and is extremely annoying all the time.

How do I get rid of this? Any help would be appreciated.
Sep 17, 2014
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Need to know the following:

1. What exact Mac model are you using?

2. What exact Mac OS are you on?

3. Are you making backups to an external device?

4. Have you ever done any disk cleanup/maintenance/repairs?

5. How did you get to your current Mac OS? Did you "upgrade in place", so to speak?
Dec 15, 2016
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From my "About This Mac":
macMini. Late 2014
macOS Sierra
version 10.12.1
Startup Disc: Macintosh HD
Graphics disc: HD Graphics 5000 1536 MB

No backups and I've never done any disk cleanups or maintenance or repairs. The computer is brand new- I got tired of Microsoft and decided to try a Mac- still learning how to use it, which this problem with the reader makes very difficult. Even when muted, the pages jump just like when the speaker is on.

I ordered the computer from Apple. There are no stores within 150 mi, so it was delivered by carrier.
Sep 17, 2014
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I have a late 2012 Mac MIni, and I really am happy with it. I did, though, swap out the slow (5400 rpm), 1 TB internal hard drive for a much faster, 256 gig Samsung 840 Pro SSD, and it sure makes a difference!

In any event, first, how long has this issue been going on?

Secondly, you need to make a backup to an external device. The Mac OS comes with Time Machine, which is fine for backups. I myself, though, use SuperDuper! for my backups, as it creates a bootable clone. Similar software has been prevalent in the Windows world for quite some time, so maybe you are already familiar with such products.

Apple did release V10.12.2 of Sierra a couple of days ago, and you can get it form here:

Note that is the "combo" update. It is (most of the time) better to apply the Combo Update, versus an incremental one (Appel also released an incremental OS 10.12.2 update).

Not sure if installing it will resolve your issue, but it's worthy a try (AFTER you have the backup).
Dec 15, 2016
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Thanks. I usually just back up important things on a thumb drive(s). But I'll look into Super Duper. Then I suppose the update would be with getting even if it doesn't solve the problem. Hopefully it will.
Sep 17, 2014
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Thanks. I usually just back up important things on a thumb drive(s). But I'll look into Super Duper. Then I suppose the update would be with getting even if it doesn't solve the problem. Hopefully it will.

There is another excellent program that does the same thing, called Carbon Copy Cloner. The difference (besides price: SuperDuper! costs $27.95 (although it is available in demo mode), and Carbon Copy Cloner costs $39.95) is that Carbon Copy Cloner also backs up the (hidden) Recovery HD partition, whereas SuperDuper! does not. However, if you follow my "script" above with a clean, "virgin" installation of the Mac OS you want, it gets created anyway. For me, it is also not an issue, as 1) I have a more robust disk cleanup/maintenance/repair program in TechTool Pro, 2) I have the necessary "Install Mac OS" file/files in a couple of locations, and 3) the Recovery HD partition can be created in a couple of other ways. These links explain what SuperDuper! and Carbon Copy Cloner can do:

SuperDuper! -

Carbon Copy Cloner -

Again, you'll be satisfied with either one. I began with SuperDuper! in demo mode for a while, and I just stuck with it. I eventually paid for it, and besides having some additional features, the paid version runs faster.

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