Lost 60GB in BootCamp Partition Blunder HELP!

Jun 19, 2015
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Background Info:
I was being inpatient and couldn't wait for Valve to port Source 2 Dota 2 Reborn over to Mac, so I decided to go ahead a partition my Mac with Windows 8.1

Pre-Conor F@!#%$ Up:
Anyway once I did the partition and everything was working fine, I decided I hate Windows 8 and instead want plain old Windows 7.

Might be my fault, could be the Mac's, we will never know:
So I reboot and switch over to Mac OS X. I head into BootCamp and use the remove Windows Partition option. Halfway through this my Mac presented an error and told me that this couldn't be done (It said something along those lines, in all honesty I can't remember I just thought I'll try again!). I reopen BootCamp to find that there is no option to remove Windows, so naturally I just thought "Great it did remove it now I can install Win7. But when I go to do the BootCamp set up I'm told that I don't have enough space!

Shock and Horror Unfolds!:
The 60GB partition is now gone, it's not showing up in Disk Utility, not showing up in BootCamp it's just gone.

Tech Junk Smart People Ask For and I'm Like DAFAQ?:
I opened terminal and did "diskutil list" and got this -

MacBook-Pro:~ conormcgregor$ diskutil list



0: GUID_partition_scheme *251.0 GB disk0

1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1

2: Apple_CoreStorage 189.1 GB disk0s2

3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk0s3



0: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD *187.4 GB disk1

Logical Volume on disk0s2


Inpatient Noob Begs for Help!:
I have no idea where this 60GB has gone and any help reabsorbing it into my Mac would be much appreciated. I really don't want to do a clean install and I'm also sacred even that won't do much for me!
Sep 17, 2014
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First of all, it would be best if you let us know 1) what exact Mac model you have, and 2) the version of the Mac OS you are using.

Next, do you have a backup of your Mac partition to an external device? If you do not, that needs to be your first step. And, it would be best if you make a bootable backup. You can use either SuperDuper! (there is a free version) or Carbon Copy Cloner that can do the job.

I assume you used Disk Utility to partition the drive. Can you use Disk Utility to do any type of software repair?

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