iPad back up.

Aug 22, 2020
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I managed to do a backup of my iPad . The problem for me is where is it?

I have done various searches but nothing shows.

There are many files that I want to copy prior to exchanging it but what might be my next move?

Thanks for any help.

Mar 13, 2016
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There are two places for backups, on your computer or on the cloud. If it's on iCloud, you can go to system preferences/Apple ID/manage/Backups and see your backup. This is important to know about if you have backups of older devices. Oh, make sure all of your IOS devices have unique names, so that when you upgrade you will recognize which backup is which.

I have my IOS devices set up to backup on iCloud, but every day or so I also back up on my iMac. With Catalina or later, go to Finder and select your IOS device. (My system often can't find it even if it is plugged in, an irritating bug, but fixable by shutting down my IOS device and restarting it). In the General Tab you will see where your latest backup is. If I haven't yet backed up on my Mac, I check the boxes, add a password (and write that down somewhere), and do a backup. Then I go bak to my IOS device and set it back to iCloud. From now on, I can just say "back up now" and it will back-up on my Mac.

Click on Manage Backups. There will be the backups of your IOS devices on your Mac. Archive your backup, and you will have a second backup that won't be overwritten. Or select a backup and get the option to delete it (you only need one archived backup).

Right-click a backup and one of the options is "Show in Finder".

If you have an older version of MacOS, the procedure is similar, but it's in iTunes.

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