Imac 2017 4.2 ghz 512 ssd 27 inch performance issue

Sep 18, 2017
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Hello, I bought a new 2017 i7 4.2 ghz 8gb ram ,512 ssd, radeon pro 580Imac. My question is i might be wrong but im suspicious about its performance, i didn't run some tests. The reason im suspicious is as u know according to your configuration os x puts u at some level of scaling at that 5 levels. I have a macbook pro 2016 with i7 2.5 ghz 16gb ram. My macbook pro is at 4th level of that scaling levels according to its config. But my 2017 imac with a higher config stays at 3rd level where i was expecting at the 5th level. Plus i play a social game called Secong Life. And in that game it puts u at a graphic level according to ur configuration. That game puts me in the same level of graphic setting with my 2016 macbook pro at Imac 2017 4.2ghz. Now my question is does that 8 gb difference makes that difference? I doubt that but i am lack of that knowledge so i wanted to ask you guys. Helps or comments appreciated. Coz if its some kind of performance issue i want to return it back before that time ends. Thank you very much
Sep 17, 2014
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That sure is perplexing, especially with a SSD! A couple of questions:

1. What exact Mac OS did the machine come with? One would think it is the latest version of Sierra, OS 10.12.6.

2. What third party applications do you have on your machine? And are you certain each of them is compatible with that version of the Mac OS?
Sep 18, 2017
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That sure is perplexing, especially with a SSD! A couple of questions:

1. What exact Mac OS did the machine come with? One would think it is the latest version of Sierra, OS 10.12.6.

2. What third party applications do you have on your machine? And are you certain each of them is compatible with that version of the Mac OS?
First thank you for replying. Yes it comes with the latest OS 10.12.6. . I didn't understand ur second question but if u mean the game i play it is called Second life and it uses a 3rd part software made for Mac. Other than that i think the resolution thing is independent from app i installed which i didnt install anything much for now. Altho i talked with the apple guys. They couldn't give me a satisfaction answer.
Sep 17, 2014
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By third party apps (applications), I mean software you add to your Mac. For example, here are some third party products I have: Office 2016, Quicken 2007, SuperDuper!, Tech Tool Pro, 1Password, Onyx, VLC, AppCleaner. I always keep such products up to date.
Sep 18, 2017
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By third party apps (applications), I mean software you add to your Mac. For example, here are some third party products I have: Office 2016, Quicken 2007, SuperDuper!, Tech Tool Pro, 1Password, Onyx, VLC, AppCleaner. I always keep such products up to date.
Yes i installed some 3rd party apps but they are all up to date. I installed very few apps but i experienced this issue before installing any 3rd party apps. I installed PS, VLC, app cleaner for now nothing more and they are all up date as i mentioned.
Sep 17, 2014
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OK, thanks for that info. Not sure what PS is, but the rest of those apps are actually good ones.

8 gig of Ram should be more than enough for everyday usage, as long as you are 1) not running any Ram hungry apps, and 2) are not running multiple applications at the same time. I have 4 gig of Ram on both of my Macs (my late 2012 Mac Mini has a 256 gig SSD, and my mid 2013 13" MacBook Air has a 252 gig SSD), and they perform fine. I do not run multiple apps at the same time, but I do keep both of my Macs "lean, mean, and clean".

One other thing about Ram is that some apps do not "give back" all the Ram they used after you quit using it.

One thing that could be useful is how much free space do you have on your internal 512 gig SSD. Also, launch Activity Monitor (located inside the Utilities folder within your Applications folder) to see what resources are being used by various programs/processes.
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Sep 18, 2017
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OK, thanks for that info. Not sure what PS is, but the rest of those apps are actually good ones.

8 gig of Ram should be more than enough for everyday usage, as long as you are 1) not running any Ram hungry apps, and 2) are not running multiple applications at the same time. I have 4 gig of Ram on both of my Macs (my late 2012 Mac Mini has a 256 gig SSD, and my mid 2013 13" MacBook Air has a 252 gig SSD), and they perform fine. I do not run multiple apps at the same time, but I do keep both of my Macs "lean, mean, and clean".

One other thing about Ram is that some apps do not "give back" all the Ram they used after you quit using it.

One thing that could be useful is how much free space do you have on your internal 512 gig SSD. Also, launch Activity Monitor (located inside the Utilities folder within your Applications folder) to see what resources are being used by various programs/processes.
Thank you very much for your replies. PS is Photoshop, 437gb is free at my 512 ssd. I will open that Activitit Monitor and will keep an eye on that. Thanks for ur kindly help.
Sep 17, 2014
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Cool! I forgot to ask you a couple of other questions:

1. Have you ever done any disk cleanup/maintenance/repairs from a software perspective? You actually can do quite a lot of disk cleanup on your own. And there are some excellent products available (both free and commercial) that can help you with that. I use Onyx (free, and it works well!) and Tech Tool Pro (Commercial; costs $99.95) for those tasks. I would not be without them.

2. Are you making backups to an external device? That is so, so critical! There are so many folks who come here for help, but don't have a backup. It can make recovery difficult.

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