HELP, unable to access Music!

May 25, 2008
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i just recently installed leopard on my imac as well a time capsule. when i try to click on my music folder or try and open itunes i get a message reading i do not have sufficient access privelages. i've tried everything i can think of to opening up sharing to swtiching my passwords but nothing seems to work. How do i get access back again to my music and itunes? its sickening thanks ahead of time and i'll appreciate any suggestions.
Jul 21, 2007
Reaction score
i just recently installed leopard on my imac as well a time capsule. when i try to click on my music folder or try and open itunes i get a message reading i do not have sufficient access privelages. i've tried everything i can think of to opening up sharing to swtiching my passwords but nothing seems to work. How do i get access back again to my music and itunes? its sickening thanks ahead of time and i'll appreciate any suggestions.

Change "Your" permissions on the music folder to "Read And Write".
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
thanks for the reply, i got it all worked out. that wasn't it though. what it was when things were tranferring i had erased my rights to access, and just had to add (administrator) to the list.

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