Help! Imac won't start. I just get gray spinning loading screen.

Oct 2, 2015
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Help! Imac won't start. I just get gray spinning loading screen.
I unplug to shut it down. I've left it overnight and it still won't start.
Any suggestions?
Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
What specific iMac model do you have? And, what exact OS are you using?

Finally, and most importantly, do you have a backup?
May 29, 2015
Reaction score
Start it in safemode by holding shift as you power it up until you get a loading bar. If it loads in safemode, go to Disk Utility and run verify permissions (repair any if it finds anything.) You can also verify and repair the disk itself. Restart and see if that works.
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Hi, a few month ago I hade the same issue with my Imac try to start the mac in safe mode if this doesn't work and if you havent made a back up try while booting cmd t and save your mac with fire wire and another mac. Then go to your local dealer tell him your problem and say that l it could be a defect of the grafik card.
My problem was solved this way.
Sep 19, 2011
Reaction score
Help! Imac won't start. I just get gray spinning loading screen.
I unplug to shut it down. I've left it overnight and it still won't start.
Any suggestions?
Here is the Apple article which is very symptom to your problem.

Step1: The very first step while dealing with a boot failure is to completely secure your data. If you want to preserve the data of your startup drive and don’t any backup, then first try to take a backup before doing anything else.

If you have backup, then skip this step.

Step2: Now, press and hold down your power button until the system shuts off. Disconnect all the wired devices except those necessary to boot. If you can boot now, one of the devices you disconnected, or a combination of them, is causing the problem. Finding out which one is a process of elimination.

Step3: Try to boot in safe mode. If the FileVault is enabled, you can’t do this.

Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal and some things won’t work at all, including wireless networking on certain Macs. For more information, refer this article from Apple help form.

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