Finder - rotate pdf page right or left?

Jan 10, 2019
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Hi Mac People!

Is there some way to rotate a page, left or right, while previewing as cover flow using the Finder?

At the moment I am doing this using Devonthink Pro Office, but for this I first need to index or import all these files into Devonthink Pro Office.
screenshot dtpo rotate right.png
This is ok, but I would really like to be able to do this in the Finder.
Maybe anyone knows an add-on or some finder replacement tool like Path finder, TotalFinder or Forklift can do this?
Sep 17, 2014
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You can do that with the (free) program Preview, inside your applications folder. I just did it, with a Samsung TV PDF file that is on my desktop, and it worked fine. I am using the latest version of Mojave, V10.14.2.
Jan 10, 2019
Reaction score
You can do that with the (free) program Preview, inside your applications folder. I just did it, with a Samsung TV PDF file that is on my desktop, and it worked fine. I am using the latest version of Mojave, V10.14.2.

Thanks for helping out!
I know that Preview can do this.
My point is that I'm searching for a way to rotate left or right from within the FINDER preview pane..

Even if a Hazel or other workflow would be needed..

Thanks anyway!

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