classic iPod

Aug 29, 2013
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I have a much loved Classic iPod, which is beginning to fail. Although I also have an iPod Touch, I prefer to use my Classic
for music. The battery charge lasts longer, and I think the sound is better. And, yes, there is a "loyalty factor." I found
another Classic on E-Bay, but I'm not sure how to transfer the music intact from my old to my new. Is it possible to transfer it
as a file to my OS-X,and then download it to the new Classic from there? Recreating this extensive playlist (over 15,000
songs) would be a mind-numbing exercise.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Sorry we didn't get back to you sooner.

-Do you still have all of the songs/playlists in your iTunes Library?

For legal licensing/copyright reasons, iTunes doesn't allow copying/importing of files not purchased from the iTunes Store from an iOS device to iTunes. You can copy/import files that we purchased with an Apple ID. If the songs/playlists are still in your iTunes Library, you can simply sync them to the iPod Classic.

Aug 29, 2013
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Thank you, Cory, for the clear, concise response. And there was certainly no need to apologize for the delay. However, obviously didn't explain my problem very clearly. I want to transfer only the songs that are on my old iPod, not all the works in my iTunes library, so a simple sync won't work. I was thinking that I could perhaps import them to a discrete file on my Mac, and then download it to my new iPod classic.
Is that feasible?

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Officially, there isn't a way to copy non-purchased songs from an iPod back to your Mac. However, a Google search could possibly return several "unofficial" ways/software solutions that may get you to where you want. ;)

Aug 29, 2013
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I love the word "unofficial." To Google I go to see if I can break the code. The most annoying aspect of Apple's iTune rule is that
the unregistered songs are downloaded from cd's I have bought throughout the years. More thanks and wish me luck.

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
I know what you mean. Apple is simply protecting themselves from piracy and legal issues. The majority of folks do legally obtain music and import songs from their CD collection, but those that don't, make the honest people have to deal with this situation. There are several apps that do what you are trying to do, including copy the playlists.

Check the Mac App Store as well...there are a few solutions there.

Having thousands of CDs myself, I don't want to import them all into iTunes for several reasons. I only import the songs I really want to sync to my iOS devices, so y iTunes Library only contains about 3,000 songs. I have created numerous playlists, and only sync the ones I want, as I don't need all the songs on my devices all the time. I routinely prune out the songs I never listen to, to keep my library lean and mean, as I can always re-import them if need be.

Please don't take the vagueness of my responses as any judgement on you or your honesty, I am only protecting myself and Mac Help by offering solutions that fall within Apple's licensing and policies. ;)

Best and good luck,


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