SOLVED Can't delete App

May 27, 2022
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I have a MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014). I started the system this morning and a window popped open on startup. When I attempted to close it it froze the app. I suspect it is Creative Cloud (cecasue of the background color scheme that appeared with the problem) but I am not sure. I have not located the app causing the issue. I have closed everything listed in the Finder, run virus software etc. But when I restart the system it opens whatever apps were open at the time Iast had the system up and running even though none of them are in the startup list.

UPDATE: It goes away if I close the laptop lid and re open it but if I restart the system it reappears.
Last edited:
Feb 14, 2021
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Your menu bar indicates that the active application is Safari. The dock shows that Safari, Chrome, and Firefox are running. Are those included in your Login Items list? I don’t see Creative Cloud in the menu bar so it must not have been running at the time you took the screenshot.

What happens if you were to click on the Back or Continue button in the dialogue box?

If the three browsers are not in your Login Items list, you must have had them running during the time that you restarted with the option to “Reopen windows when logging back in” checked. Try restarting with that option unchecked.

Screen Shot 2022-05-28 at 05.47.13.png

You can also try a Force Quit (⌘-⌥-esc) to show you the running applications. If the suspect application is on the list, select and force it to quit and see if the window goes away. Or you can restart in Safe Mode (reboot and hold down the Shift key.
May 27, 2022
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Thank you for your reply.

No browsers are in the startup list and the option to re-open widows is unchecked. The back and continue buttons are inactive. When the system first starts up everything appears fine as it loads the desktop but as soon as it finishes loading the desktop icons the screen changes from my desktop to this multi color background and the window open as shown above. I have tried force quitting etc. but when the mac is restarted it has this same result.

The strange thing is if I close the laptop lid, or unplug the second monitor the screen refresh causes it to correct the issue and my desktop returns to normal!

Whatever is doing this does not show up as an active app. I assumed it was Creative Cloud related because the color scheme is almost identical but I removed creative cloud from my mac.
Feb 14, 2021
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Thank you for your reply.

No browsers are in the startup list and the option to re-open widows is unchecked. The back and continue buttons are inactive. When the system first starts up everything appears fine as it loads the desktop but as soon as it finishes loading the desktop icons the screen changes from my desktop to this multi color background and the window open as shown above. I have tried force quitting etc. but when the mac is restarted it has this same result.

The strange thing is if I close the laptop lid, or unplug the second monitor the screen refresh causes it to correct the issue and my desktop returns to normal!

Whatever is doing this does not show up as an active app. I assumed it was Creative Cloud related because the color scheme is almost identical but I removed creative cloud from my mac.
Try the Safe Mode reboot first. If the window does not show up you can conclude that it’s from a running extension or application. Looks like you’re running macOS Big Sur. Try reinstalling it. I think the current version is 11.6.3.

The Force Quit move is just to give you a list of running applications. It will not include extensions.
Last edited:
May 27, 2022
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Thanks again for your response. I have been sick since we last communicated.

I started system in safe mode and it was fine but I can't find any running application or extension. I reinstalled OS and problem still persists.
May 27, 2022
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Figured it out. It was the startup assistant that was causing the issue. I removed it from the startup process and everything is fine. Thanks again for your help.

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