Boot camp partition missing, lost space

Jan 23, 2017
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Hello everyone,

So after a lot of research on the internet I still have not found a solution to my problem, although apparently I am not the only one to have it.

I installed Windows 10 some time ago with the Parallels Desktop tool in order to launch windows 10 as a virtual machine from the Boot Camp partition, and it worked very well for the applications (and for the games I booted on Windows directly for perfs).

Except that today Parallels wanted to make an update of its tools if I understood correctly, and an error has arrived, impossible to restart Windows. I check my disks and the Boot Camp partition no longer appears, however my Macintosh HD has lost the 40GB allocated to Boot Camp. So actually my Mac lost 40GB and could not find them.

When I run the disk utility I have a SSD volume of 121GB (for 128GB), but the Macintosh HD volume is only 80GB. No trace of BOOT CAMP.
The Boot Camp utility does as if I did not have boot camp installed and tells me (normal) that it takes 50GB of free space to create a Boot Camp partition and on.

So in fact I am stuck and I do not know what to do, if you have solutions, links, or people who have had the problem and have it repaired, to recover this space and be able to reuse Boot Camp, I'll be very thankful :3

Good day and thank you

PS: I'm on Sierra
PS2: If I'm in the wrong section, I'm sorry :3

Cory Cooper

May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hello and welcome.

It can be very difficult to diagnose Boot Camp/Parallels/Windows issues, especially when sharing the Boot Camp partition as a virtual machine in Parallels.

-Which version of Parallels?
-Does Parallels still see the virtual machine?

Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
In addition to what Cory asked, what version of Sierra do you have? V10.12.3 came out on Tuesday. If you need it, you can get the Combo Updater from here:

Additionally, it seems you have a 128 gig SSD inside your Mac, which seems rather "tight" for also having a Windows partition. How much free space do you have on the Mac volume?

And, what exact Mac model do you have?

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