Problems including, Invalid Leaf Record Count

Oct 12, 2008
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G4-500 OX.3.9 WD 120GB Hard drive. 1.5 GB system RAM.

This sounds like a similar question answered in the PowerBook section, But is not quite the same.

I have a G4-500 , I have two internal Hard drives.
the WD 120 GB, and a WD 80 GB recently purchased to replace the originally installed Segate drive that went belly up. On the new Drive I have OS.4.11 installed.

Recently I've been getting strange problem on the OSX.3.9 Drive: Every time I turn on or restart the drive I have to go through, either use of Disk Utility from OX.3 Install disk or single User Mode and use applejack 1.4.3 to repair permissions. I'm in the process now of doing surface scan test using TechTool Pro 4 from the CD.

I get error message in Disk Utility from Systems CD (X.3.9) :
invalid leaf record count (it should be36 instead of 62)

I've checked the Hardware,Volumes, and Files using TT4, and all appear normal. or had minor repairs done.

The items that appear to be affected are Disk Utility , Applications installer (pkg installer), in Systems Preferences: Accounts, the Utilities: Yahoo! Widgets! and Snapz Pro X latest version.

One thing I have noticed is, if Snapz Pro is opened it causes the the menu bar icons on the right side (Time, Airport, StuffIt Magic menu, and so on) to wink out and reload. However I have the same set of utilities set up on a Fire wire Drive that have the same setup with Snapz Pro included as wel on this PowerBook I am using to write this message and does the same thing but yet has not caused any problems.


I know repairing permission on a X.3.9 System with Systems Utilities from X.4.11 will mess up permissions, big time.

But would the Repair disk Function be better than the one on X.3.9?

I have a separate question concerning use of the Other drive with OSX.4.11 but will ask as another question.
Oct 12, 2008
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An update:

Just finish with surface scan of drive from TechTool Pro 4 Checks out perfect.

I'm out of ideas?


May 14, 2004
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Hi there,

I've always found TTP to be more 'gloss' than function... ;-)

get yourself a copy of Disk Warrior, run it on each drive, and see how you get on.


Oct 12, 2008
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I have DiskWarrior 3.02. and it fixed some problems and redid the directory. But didn't see to help. I'll try it again and see what happens. It now affecting the Account control panel, Installer Program, Stickies program But not everything just certain items. The most crtical is installer, and Accounts.
Oct 12, 2008
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I have the latest version of DW on the way. It supposed to work on OSX.3.9, 4.11 and 5.5

How will it know what parameters to use? the Unix used in x.3.9 is not the same version as in 4.11 and I've found that disk utilities shows certain items all the time and if you use it on a 4.11 partion it shows some permissions as wrong. and if you use the X.4.11 DU on a X.3.9 Drive it show that drives permissions as wrong. But if will show up as normal on OSX.4.11 and the 3.9 version show as normal on 3.8 partition. My understand is BSD UNIX is used for 3.9 and FreeBSD on 4.11.

Just curious? :confused:
Oct 12, 2008
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Finally got the latest version of DW and did lik I was afraid it would do. I ran it from CD and attempted file verification and repair.

ended up having to do a single User Mode and do fsck -fy aand it ended up fixing some problems and reset permissions back from what DW had set them to.

Both way I still cannot get into Accounts in system Preferences, Stickies, Installer (that opens Pkg files), and in KeyChain, or KeyChain repair. Its as though anything that need keey chain or a Password to operate won't open.

I am operating on my new Hard Drive with OSX.4.11 but there are some applications I'd rather use OSX.3.9 on. And my new drive is only two thirds as large as my OSX.3.9 Drive. So don't have enough room to bring my files over.
I am at my wits end

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