On my 2008 iMac, running SX 10.10.5 Error while installing Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Mar 29, 2013
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On my 2008 iMac, running SX 10.10.5 I have a program that tries to install every time the computer reboots, resulting in the following message: "Error while installing Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)". How do I find (and if necessary remove) the application that is trying to install, or otherwise correct the installation process? I have no idea as to it's source, and given time, the error messages keep piling up each time the computer reboots if I don't look at it regularly, since it's set to reboot automatically once a week. (I've had as may as 24 messages pile up on the desk-top on occasion.) This has been going on for quite some time, but don't think it is OSX related: more likely some other software since the message does ot come up if I log in as anotgher user, and also doe ot come up when I do a SAFE BOOT ('Shift' key held down on RESTART). Thanks for any help you can provide.
Nov 14, 2012
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OS X 10.10.5 is Yosemite just possibly there might be some confusion and your OS X thinks it should be upgraded to El Capitan which is 10.11.

Please try this, run Malwarebytes free, if you do not have it download from here. Hope this solves your issue

Mar 29, 2013
Reaction score
Thank you OldScribe.

I tried, but Malwarebytes requires OSX 10.12 as a minimum. I'm having this issue with a 2008 iMac running OSX 10.10.5. Thtre doesmot appeat to be a vefsion of Malwarebytes compatible with this version the Mac OS. Thaks for your assistance.

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